Gwenpool monthly event frustration

Last time around, the extra currency you would get was SCRAPS used in rocket racoons shop. With alot of hope i purchased it. In the end i got extra cavs and USELESS scraps.
Now comes the gwenpool event with same design. Only instead of scraps its some bubble deadpool stuff. Ofcource i had 0 desire to buy it after the previous time when we would get extra scraps while we could get 100 times more SCRAPS from other sources like GGC and side event and even than, it was useless. Now its being confirmed its a currency for spring cleaning typish event and its a big chunk of free/cheap way of getting those 400 000 bubles or something.
Why do you add a calendar type event with WEIRD SECRET new currency in it and only when its too late, you reveal what it can buy you. You screwed us over (i would call it that) with SCRAP and now didnt say that THIS new currency would be much more important down the line.
I would have bought it. I really would. But you ,,left me with no choice". Hope you get enough money from panicing people during spring cleaning who will buy the gwenpool pass when its almost over and boost themselves for 30 days front...
Now comes the gwenpool event with same design. Only instead of scraps its some bubble deadpool stuff. Ofcource i had 0 desire to buy it after the previous time when we would get extra scraps while we could get 100 times more SCRAPS from other sources like GGC and side event and even than, it was useless. Now its being confirmed its a currency for spring cleaning typish event and its a big chunk of free/cheap way of getting those 400 000 bubles or something.
Why do you add a calendar type event with WEIRD SECRET new currency in it and only when its too late, you reveal what it can buy you. You screwed us over (i would call it that) with SCRAP and now didnt say that THIS new currency would be much more important down the line.
I would have bought it. I really would. But you ,,left me with no choice". Hope you get enough money from panicing people during spring cleaning who will buy the gwenpool pass when its almost over and boost themselves for 30 days front...
sounds cool, but how would you know its ,,spring cleaning" ?
ROCKET RACOONS SECRET SHOP!!!! Sounded cool too but it was ..... of an ,, event "
It wasn’t until the livestream yesterday that they announced what this currency was for. But I think you’re insanely over the top in your reaction here for two reasons - they announced it the week before the event starts (next Friday) and players still have over 2 weeks to decide on whether or not they want to purchase the platinum track. It is far from too late.
Spring cleaning is a money maker for kabam, it was a pretty safe bet it would be returning. Gwenpool is a pool like deadpool and the baubles are similar icons to previous dobloons. But like the guy above me said, you’ve literally still got a couple weeks to decide if you want it or not. + most of the objectives will be already completed at this point so you won’t have to spend any/much on the boosters if that is something you normally do.
So yeah. You have to buy 2 week boost now wich would probably give you less currency than just buying unit deals when they come.
I didnt have 9$ for it this month to begin with even if i knew. Just wanted to communicate that by not revealing the new currency purpose they (kabam) just damaged themselves. More people would buy the pass (win for kabam) and more people would be more happy on spring cleaning (another win)...
So if you buy the pass now you will not need many boosters? Cause thats the only differance. If it needs another COUPLE of $ its cool. If it needs like 10$+ its useless now.
Heres a new pass. The new currency is for spring cleaning style event next month. Stay tuned and find out more.
Would change nothing in reality but would get much more sales.