Events should happen anyways

It’s been almost a week and 40k likes. You think you’ll get 1/3 of what you got in a year, in a month? You know it won’t happen, we know it won’t. Not every MCoC player can get Facebook, not every MCoC player even plays. The most subscribed YouTube channel that does this game has 85k and most of his subs I guarantee have already done it so promoting it will do nothing. This goal will not be met and if you don’t realize that and push the event anyways you will get backlash and players will be let down
They're trying to get people to invite their friends to like the page. That way, Kabam will get some advertising. Basically, they're offering to give us stuff in the game if help them promote it.
As for getting 1/3rd of what they've done in a year, that's not an absurd goal. I posted a video on Facebook once that got 38,000 views. All in India. I don't know *anyone* from India. Sometimes stuff just goes nuts on the internet.
I'm not saying that you should do it. That's up to you.