rank up advice

godsquad891godsquad891 Member Posts: 779 ★★
I've Got a few options to rank up but don't know what would be best

current r5 4*s
Hulk sig 80
sw sig 99
bw sig 99
iceman sig 30
starlord sig 70

Got a few options thinking unduped magik ???

who do I rank up cosmic to r5 4* drax sig 30 or 4* male thor sig 80 or wait for hyperion
science : 4* ww2 awakened or 4* classic Spider-Man or 4* yellow jacket all awakened
or mystic 4* unduped ghostrider or 4* duped mordo or 4*doctor strange
or 5* Mystic unduped Magic r2 to r3 I also have 5* guilly unduped


  • TheSOURATheSOURA Member Posts: 674
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    His star lord is already r5 he said.

    I’m assuming u don’t have any t4ccs maxed or close to maxed. If not, I would do it in this order:

    Spider-Man if your defense doesn’t have an r5 one yet and u guys are going for diversity—otherwise u can wait on him
    Wwii or ghost rider
    Wwii or ghost rider
    Wait for Hyperion

    But definitely magik first. You have zero power control champs at r5 currently
  • godsquad891godsquad891 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    Run477 wrote: »
    His star lord is already r5 he said.

    I’m assuming u don’t have any t4ccs maxed or close to maxed. If not, I would do it in this order:

    Spider-Man if your defense doesn’t have an r5 one yet and u guys are going for diversity—otherwise u can wait on him
    Wwii or ghost rider
    Wwii or ghost rider
    Wait for Hyperion

    But definitely magik first. You have zero power control champs at r5 currently

    None at max ive got 3 science and 3 mystic and need less than a 1000 shards for 3 cosmic but yeah magik was my thought
  • CodornasCodornas Member Posts: 542 ★★
    Save for Joe Fixit
  • godsquad891godsquad891 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    Codornas wrote: »
    Save for Joe Fixit

    I do have she hulk and the pant less wonder abomination maybe I should get the whole messed up family rank 5 hahaha
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    5* Gully.
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