Human tortch vs Bishop bug!!??

olanda1olanda1 Member Posts: 6
Playing through arena for a few coins and my human tortch get melted by Bishop. I didn't get hit I literally just melted obviously no incinerate on tortch and no de-buff but my health just melted away anyone else seen this happen???


  • olanda1olanda1 Member Posts: 6

  • olanda1olanda1 Member Posts: 6
    I can't upload the video as it's not the correct format.
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,577 ★★★★★
    U can't activate pre fight in arenas so obviously u were inflicting bishop with incinerates. Bishop has an ability of reflecting damage when inflicted with incinerates shocks or bleed, unless inflicted at the beginning of the fight. So that's not a big, it's his ability
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