AW Analysis and Display Bug

@Kabam Miike or anyone who related to this area of topic.
I've been quite long enough being officer and quite familiar with the AW environment. But this time in season 41 as my ally getting higher in tier and rank , i think we need more of analysis tools and validity of display bcoz the higher our rank is looks like we need to be more strict about things going around in War.
Like 1 of the thing that i need to request is for us to be able to track how many KO does a player make in a war...currently only available is the bonus counter in each node...but once its passing...we maybe a bit lost track of exactly who made KO there and how many times. Specially if it is in shared/intersection nodes or boss island nodes up there, not a single path. Ofc we couldn't ask officers to be watching most of the time on the game for that task. far i can only guess by the item used from BG attacker list. But today that display i think also bugged or lagged idk what toc all, here's some attachment.

the map clearly shown he made KO...but item used showed he's not using any.
i need to analyze player effectivity and of the aspect is how many times he KO in a war.
Someone can be MVP of the war just by going throught bottom up, having most exploration path and kill defender, but that doesnt mean he fights it clean. And if he does that with many KO, ofc that is not an effective way to move in a war.
I've been quite long enough being officer and quite familiar with the AW environment. But this time in season 41 as my ally getting higher in tier and rank , i think we need more of analysis tools and validity of display bcoz the higher our rank is looks like we need to be more strict about things going around in War.
Like 1 of the thing that i need to request is for us to be able to track how many KO does a player make in a war...currently only available is the bonus counter in each node...but once its passing...we maybe a bit lost track of exactly who made KO there and how many times. Specially if it is in shared/intersection nodes or boss island nodes up there, not a single path. Ofc we couldn't ask officers to be watching most of the time on the game for that task. far i can only guess by the item used from BG attacker list. But today that display i think also bugged or lagged idk what toc all, here's some attachment.

the map clearly shown he made KO...but item used showed he's not using any.
i need to analyze player effectivity and of the aspect is how many times he KO in a war.
Someone can be MVP of the war just by going throught bottom up, having most exploration path and kill defender, but that doesnt mean he fights it clean. And if he does that with many KO, ofc that is not an effective way to move in a war.