Mcoc energy damage chart

ZEDMAN33ZEDMAN33 Member Posts: 52
Does anyone have a link that shows each champions attacks as energy damage or physical damage?
Tomorrows GC meta is 90% energy resist.
Aunt Mai used to show each action as either energy or physical but now it’s not there


  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    I have been looking for the same thing. There are many instances where I want to know if a certain champ or a certain attack of a champ is physical or energy.

    I guess if you wanted to try to figure it out for a specific champ you might be able to get some idea by practice fighting against a duped Captain Marvel (the original one) or Ms. Marvel and hit into their blocks to see if they get the absorption call-out or similarly against HT.
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