Node 20 manthing

Jaffa_Jaffa_ Member Posts: 43
Just fought him with OS and immune kept popping up so he was gaining a lot of power and OS wasn’t getting poisoned. Is there anything in her kit that would trigger an immune response from that node that I’m missing. Also when the manthing used his sp3 It did place a poison on OS but she wouldn’t regen from it


  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,623 ★★★★★
    She is immune to nullify
  • Jaffa_Jaffa_ Member Posts: 43
    edited April 2023
    Thanks, What was trying to be nullified? Is it the placebo
  • Jaffa_Jaffa_ Member Posts: 43
    You’re right, it was the armour ups trying to be nullified. Thanks
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