Spots pre fight

Khellendros138Khellendros138 Member Posts: 606 ★★★
I'm struggling to understand a practical use for it. Any spot players out there with some insight. Kinda just seems pointless to me, but surely I'm missing something.


  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,230 ★★★★★
    I haven’t had to use it yet. My guess is that there will be a new champion or niche node coming up soon that may require/ benefit from it.
  • RebarkRebark Member Posts: 429 ★★★

    I'm struggling to understand a practical use for it. Any spot players out there with some insight. Kinda just seems pointless to me, but surely I'm missing something.

    Free willpower healling
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★
    Buffet/power snack/spite counter
  • Khellendros138Khellendros138 Member Posts: 606 ★★★
    Perhaps so. It just seems so specific
    Ortoun said:

    Buffet/power snack/spite counter

    How so? It only triggers once, and at a very specific time. Not to say your wrong, but can you think of a particular scenario where that applies?
  • CyborgNinja135CyborgNinja135 Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★★

    Perhaps so. It just seems so specific

    Ortoun said:

    Buffet/power snack/spite counter

    How so? It only triggers once, and at a very specific time. Not to say your wrong, but can you think of a particular scenario where that applies?
    It triggers every time the opponent is knocked down so if you're using someone like Mr Fantastic, Miles, CapIW, Anti-Venom, Torch, etc. who incorporate heavies in their rotation very often you're gonna be buff immune 90-95% of the fight
  • UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 729 ★★★
    Dormammu nodes like buffet slight willpower regen
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