Battleground bugs

Is anyone else’s battlegrounds screens not letting them select champs to ban/use etc. Mine just doesn’t work and i have to reset the game to get it to work properly, and by then the selection has already been made for me. it’s very frustrating.


  • Prince_vingador1Prince_vingador1 Member Posts: 54
    Its crazy, so now kabam is picking my defenders and atackers, game freezes and cant even see the timer anymore.
    Is this normal?
  • Biggie_jBiggie_j Member Posts: 1
    Bruh it feels like 1 in every 3 battlegrounds match I either don't choose the championship I want, have random defenders and attackers, or the match ends up being so buggy I have to reset the game and I load back in with 5 seconds to do damage and end up loosing the match
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