Please KABAM do an overhaul on X23. She has so much potentional in the game and so much potentional to have even better animations now that this game has taken animations a lot more seriously. She is dog water right now with her kit and her animations.


  • Justinsofiine34Justinsofiine34 Member Posts: 4
    Or atleast add Daken to the game if X23 ain’t getting an overhaul or buff. We deserve a Wolverine like character with great animations. Sometimes I wish Wolverine or x23 was added to the game later on like sandman or these new characters bc they have amazing animations and an amazing kit to their game.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,117 ★★★★★
    Overall feels like a bit of a stretch.

    Most of her issues could usually be fixed with an update or moderate tune-up.

    If you're going to make requests like this, you need to throw in some examples/ suggestions as to what it is she's missing to no longer be considered as you stated, "dog water".
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