We're missing a nut! Map 5, G1 no spend easy AW

Map 5. No spending, no stress G1 or G2 mandatory war (G1 last season). Prefer 14-15k+ but will consider 13k+. Pack a lunch and bring your nuts and/or lady nuts. Must hit me up on Line with screenshot of your account (ID below).

Long version:

Project Squirrel is looking for a few good Nuts after rewards to join our family!

Are you an active player? Don't need to be reminded to run your lanes or place in AW? Then we freaking want you?

Semi-retired ally, nice mix of big and growing nuts. Must be active. Prefer 14-15k+ with good roster of defenders, but will consider 13k+.

Tired or the war grind? G1 or G2 (G1 last season) - no pressure wars makes it actually fun again. No spending, don't worry about deaths, 100% diversity and called paths makes it easy.

WAR: we run 3 BGs in war so it is mandatory. That said, we do 'no spend' wars. So basically no pressure, using 1 loyalty revives only (no pots or boosts except overflow), saving loyalty for the sweet, sweet store. G1 last season (top 100 of G2 before that) doing it this way plus you'll have all your loyalty to spend on growing your account and still get rewards. A few seasons in and you'll be rolling in R4 mats and 6* AGs like Scrooge McDuck.

AQ - map 5 = 3 BGs with normal mods
AW *see above
Have fun
Enjoy the game with a chill ally
Have some life balance
Grow your account!
Line mandatory
Communication mandatory

Whiskey shots
Naked Thursdays
Free tickets to the *** and candy dungeon in the basement (disclaimer: one ticket per week, offer not refundable, not tradeable for Units)

Want to enjoy the game again? Then come join our family already.

Our Nuts are huge and growing fast! We did see a doctor about it, but they said that was normal for a growing ally.

Line ID: xenchief


  • cfpreludecfprelude Member Posts: 114
    1 nut needed
  • cfpreludecfprelude Member Posts: 114
    No short timers please. Stable ally and just need 1 looking for a home. For those asking on Line, G1 is probably the ceiling with the way we do war.
  • cfpreludecfprelude Member Posts: 114
    Looking for 2-3 after war rewards. Must hit me up on Line and include the IGN and pics.

    Line ID is xenchief
  • cfpreludecfprelude Member Posts: 114
    Looking for 3. Prefer 13k+. Send me pics of account on Line. ID is xenchief
  • cfpreludecfprelude Member Posts: 114
    Down to 2 spots
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