What would you like to see covered in a future livestream?



  • 5ra5ra Member Posts: 74
    I'd like to see "a day in the life" of a regular Kabam employees. Would probably be better edited rather than live, but I would think it would be interesting just to see what it's like to be an employee at Kabam.
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  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,444 ★★★★★
    Perhaps we can do buff votes every once in a while.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I would be interested in seeing the process of working on buffs compared to new champions. I feel like there is often this weird conversation between you guys and us where the community doesn't understand how much work it can be to make some seemingly small tweaks to a champion (such as the recent Iceman buff) while you guys reiterate that even the "small buffs" actually go through a long process of testing similar to new champions.

    I'm not proposing a long nitty-gritty segment that details the technical challenges. I don't think that would be very fun for the majority of people watching (even if I would probably like it!). However, I think there's potential for some lighthearted fun that's still educational if you highlight some of the buffing woes you've gone through. What seemingly simple changes had unintentional consequences? Do you have any fun stories about when things didn't work out as intended? I think that would be a fun way to convey that, yeah, even tweaks to champions have to go through a certain process of testing before it can be released into the wild.
  • ExHavokExHavok Member Posts: 519 ★★★
    1- Some updates about Gladiator's arrival to the contest. (like you did for hercules months ago but live this time)
    2- Some tease for second half of champions coming these year ( like the video you shared for first 6 months )
    3- Battlegrounds tournement of course
    4- Inviting some small content creators that are not in the CCP, give them a chance to prove themselves
  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★
    So is there an official date for the release of 7* availability?
  • nico69nico69 Member Posts: 67
    i want to have a monthly update on where jax is in the game and what he’s been getting up to. it’s always nice seeing a newish account work their way up and especially when it belongs to our favourite presenter
  • StarSmasher2001StarSmasher2001 Member Posts: 234 ★★
    ExHavok said:

    4- Inviting some small content creators that are not in the CCP, give them a chance to prove themselves

    Duel to the death, winner gets CCP access
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,445 ★★★★★
    This may not qualify as *fun* but I’d like to see as a running feature a short piece of how the team evaluates and processes bug reports. For example, I find it useful to see what the team sees, how they analyze it frame by frame and how they determine whether something aberrant has occurred.

    It wouldn’t have to be an entire livestream, of course, but perhaps just a “most popular bug of the month” segment. An example for me right now might be the frequent backdraft-parry I keep doing when I’m playing with an unstoppable/unblockable champ like Juggs. Frame by frame breakdown of what’s happening server side versus what we see on devices, and then a final “is it a bug or not and why.”

    Just a thought..

    Dr. Zola
  • Rajdeep1997Rajdeep1997 Member Posts: 91
    make a stream about how a champ is chosen, from the ground zero, his background work, how his ability are chosen, what is the thought process, how they are drawn and art team involvement, a complete work like the hercules video you guys did last time... a complete bts viewpoint which we never see before.
    like why you guys thought of making adam warlock in the first place. why him and why moondragon with him and not anyone else. how two champs chosen are connection you guys look for.... like a complete tour of it.
  • ProAdityaProAditya Member Posts: 23
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey Summoners,

    We've been thrilled with the level of participation the livestreams have seen since we started earlier this year. We've said it repeatedly: we have plans to continue to grow and develop the streams into the excellent community engagement platform we know it can be, and, the more you buy in the more we're able to accomplish!

    I have been curious about what you, the Summoners, would like to see covered in this way?

    Right now, we cover monthly content drops just before each build, and we discuss content coming to the contest on the horizon, we also do giveaways and play games with chat. We have plans for the future to cover the art team's process of creating a champion, have discussed doing a broader Q&A and we're spit-balling some ideas for dumb-fun (like the professional wrestling-style Kabam BG tournament mentioned on the last livestream).

    The streams are an engagement tool and an entertainment piece, so we're not looking to dive into super technical spaces as the accessibility is pretty low for those topics. Additionally, the intention behind the streams is to provide a peak behind the curtain, a bit and showcase things we wouldn't really chat about in these forums. So it's safe to say bugs are a topic better reserved for conversations here.

    We know not everyone from the forums is interested in joining the livestreams, but the streams are fun and highlight the positive aspects of our community. So, we'd love to see your name in chat at a future MCOC stream.

    Please keep this thread positive and constructive, we're looking to create content that Summoners can celebrate together.

    Thanks everyone,

    - Jax

    Yeah these livestreams are indeed super interesting. As far as what we'd like to see , something like a new buff sneak peak or some pop quiz based on the contest's lore like last time when you gave us the discription that your mom gave to you and we had guess the champ. That'd be cool
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,445 ★★★★
    What the price of titan crystals will be and what we can expect to see in them. Will it be an evolving crystal that keeps up to date on new champs?
  • A_rock007A_rock007 Member Posts: 58
    edited May 2023
    For a future livestream, you should interview Kabam Zero on how they identify QoL issues/redundancies (like are there community managers combong through social media and the forums or is there a much more official way of identifying player QoL issues. And what's the process behind it all once the issue has been identified. This may be a niche request but I'm a big fan of Zero since they implemented the 'variant rankup gem' choice menu. That was a resource saver even if the game has now moved long past 5* rankups and heroes.
  • Dark_HashiraDark_Hashira Member Posts: 2
    60 fps gameplay ☺️
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,069 ★★★★★
    Account tour of Jax and Miike’s accounts
  • XC123456789XC123456789 Member Posts: 11
    Would like to hear more coverage about champion buff program and Ascension
  • JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★
    The upcoming overhaul of the game’s economy for the various game modes following the bauble and 7* sales. Introduction of mastery pages. The next variant. Revitalization of the champion rework calendar. All would be most welcome!
  • SandeepSSandeepS Member Posts: 1,307 ★★★★
    Roadmap and progress against roadmap!
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    I like to see a stream on underrated champs and why you think they are underrated, and why their design was not received well by the community? I’m not talking buffs, I’m referring more to champs like psycho man, DDHK, invisible woman, venom the duck etc.
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    As my english is not fluent and there is no english subtitles, it’s hard to catch every idea of the livestream. So I would appreciate to add more infographics about what is announced. Generally speaking, infographics are appreciated by the players. That is more easy to understand than a ton of words (in a text or by someone speaking).

    As some people already wrote it, it would be nice to add a QoL part. With a before/after visual presentation.
    It also would be nice to mention the current champions rework and change activities.
    In a way, to create - and show - a repeated structure used on different livestreams. Not only « today let’s discuss about ». On a 1 hour format, the first 10 minutes about the usual topics, the next 40 minutes about the big announcements or the presentations, and the last 10 minutes about the questions during the livestream.

    Finally, please less « soon/soonish/we plan » and more targets, even if the target is 2 months or a quarter.
  • ShiroMikazukiShiroMikazuki Member Posts: 568 ★★★
    A Kabam trelo board
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  • GMAX77GMAX77 Member Posts: 512 ★★★
    Chobbly said:

    What I'd like to see is a behind-the-scenes look at the buff program.

    First off, an explanation on how the selection process for buffing works - how do you manage the needs of the contest, designer/developer availability, champion placement in existing content, Marvel lore and fan perceptions when choosing suitable champions for a buff?

    Then, maybe a section on how the buff process goes. How mechanics get selected.and how they are balanced for the design intent of the buff. Also, how the buff will change the standing of the champion when compared to others, or what new utility they will offer.

    Finally, wrapping up maybe a review of some of the buffs that have been contentious from a community perspective or had trouble sticking the landing, why they were what they are and any 'secret sauce' we still haven't tapped into yet. I'm thinking of Nova, Psychoman, DDHK, Deadpool X-Force etc.

    Was going to post something about the buff program but when I searched if there was already something about it in this thread, this post has expressed my sentiment rather eloquently. Thank you Kabam for taking a moment to give us an opportunity for feedback.
  • KeonexKeonex Member Posts: 332 ★★★
    Masteries 2.0 that were promised 2 years ago
  • ShiroMikazukiShiroMikazuki Member Posts: 568 ★★★
    More kabam original champs
  • UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 729 ★★★

    More kabam original champs

    Did sOmeoNe sAY oRiGIaNal?
    But Now really the are aegon the champions and platinumpoolor theres are more? (Not counting fusions)
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,122 ★★★★★

    More kabam original champs

    Did sOmeoNe sAY oRiGIaNal?
    But Now really the are aegon the champions and platinumpoolor theres are more? (Not counting fusions)
    The champion is not an original kabam champ. He's been in comics for decades. The other kabam originals are guillotine, guillotine 2099, Morningstar, purgatory, sorcerer supreme, symbiote supreme, venom the duck, Jabari panther and storm pyramid x.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    Rohtaga said:

    I think it could be cool to go through the past dev diary roadmaps and do a livestream about the different things discussed in them. Talk about how some of the things we've seen came to be. Talk about why some things that haven't released yet saw development challenges (such as the wish crystal). Confirm whether certain things are still on the horizon or should be forgotten about (raids for example). Could be a great way to just provide transparency.

    This is a cracking idea 😀.
    Chobbly said:

    What I'd like to see is a behind-the-scenes look at the buff program.

    First off, an explanation on how the selection process for buffing works - how do you manage the needs of the contest, designer/developer availability, champion placement in existing content, Marvel lore and fan perceptions when choosing suitable champions for a buff?

    Then, maybe a section on how the buff process goes. How mechanics get selected.and how they are balanced for the design intent of the buff. Also, how the buff will change the standing of the champion when compared to others, or what new utility they will offer.

    Finally, wrapping up maybe a review of some of the buffs that have been contentious from a community perspective or had trouble sticking the landing, why they were what they are and any 'secret sauce' we still haven't tapped into yet. I'm thinking of Nova, Psychoman, DDHK, Deadpool X-Force etc.

    And thanks to @Chobbly for making this point so that I didn't have to 😉. An update on the buff process would be great, along with any hints about what might be coming up.
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,510 ★★★★
    Curious any chance we will be able to start selling T4 Class Cats to get T5 Class Cat Frags?
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