Bg matchmaking is getting out of hand

Today when i got into diamond 1 after beating players with significantly great deck than mine then when i started playing matches in diamond one bg matchmaking gods are matching me with whales literally whales with 5 6star rank 5 if you all dont believe me see my acc and the player i recently got matched with anyone can you plzz tell me
Is this fairrr and if it is why is that and trust me i still have 5 stars in my deck

Is this fairrr and if it is why is that and trust me i still have 5 stars in my deck

I m Bronze 1.
To me it’s not a question of fair. You’re essentially saying that smaller rosters should be insulated from having to compete with larger accounts, which would result in more small accounts reaching GC. Which would mean that they progress farther than larger accounts, which they might not be able to handle, while those larger accounts may get stuck competing against similar sized accounts.
How is making it easier for small accounts to progress to the top of the ladder, while holding back larger accounts who would likely out perform the smaller accounts, a fair system?
Win one.
Lose one.
Win two
Lose 2.
Win 1.
Lose 1.
Not fun and for the last two weeks, I've given up playing even for the daily objectives. Pretty much a dead game mode for me now; it's not fun, or engaging having a play mode, that you commit time to and don't get any progression or reward from that time commitment.
If i lose to this player i dont think we can call it a lose it is straight up a free win to him
As long as the competitors compete for the same level of awards, which is what happens in BGs, it’s not unreasonable or unfair that they compete against one another. If you want a junior league, don’t complain when you get junior rewards.
Also, calling people stupid for contributing their opinions on a public forum is…well…how do I put this…pretty stupid.
I've been getting them since Bronze 3.
I have no issue losing to another Pragon the proper tier.