Champs star levels and efficiency of their abilities

Amms90Amms90 Member Posts: 364 ★★★
So after this week of aq with 7 stars, I noticed that herc's infuriate doesn't really work as it usually does. Defenders don't dash in as frequently and they keep holding their specials forever (which resulted in me eating sp3 a couple times).

As I observed this, I'm now wondering if the fact that my herc is 6 star and the defender is 7 star has anything to do with this. As if infuriate is less effective on a defender that is above my champ's star level. Because I really noticed a difference this week.

So is it sth with infuriate being reworked or is it sth about the a.i. being absurdly passive? Or does this have to do with the difference in star levels? I'm really wondering, because I'm sure it's not just a matter of the fights dragging because of the increased stats. It's about defenders not dashing in and not throwing their specials. Despite me baiting, despite infuriate on them.
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