Game performance

I see there is some videos about bad controls, missed inputs etc etc etc, the list goes on with these issue's in almost all content and its getting way beyond frustrating now, the community has been very very patient imo and we just need a resolution pls. Im getting so fed up with having to use resources to complete content which i have rarely had to use before, AQ has become almost unplayable to the point where i cant even complete a path anymore, with champs not dexing, evading, attacking or anything basic, the screen freezes or hangs when i try and move and i just get comboed into oblivion and i only do map 6, which i have been doing for over a year as its not too difficult and fits in with my work and family schedule. Please can you explain as to why you keep releasing more content each month rather than spending the time to resolve the loooooooong overdue problems the game has. I, like soooooo many other people have given so much of our time to this game as it was once so good, i love the animations with the characters and when the game works there is no other game app i would rather be playing so please can we get some kind of resolution so we can enjoy it once again.