Possible rewards increase for monthly event quest

As it seems to be getting increased almost every month maybe a good upgrade for Christmas to go with the introduction of 6 stars next year.
2000 4 star shards, T4 Basic T1 Alpha 2500 5 star shards
4000 4 star shards T4CC crystal more T2 Alpha fragments and 5000 5* shards and a T4 basic
This does sound like a lot but it would go with what they said about making 5 stars more accessible and 4 stars would become as common as 3 stars which is what’s gonna happen with 6 stars coming anyway.
What do you all think is it too much or too little? Give your ideas below
2000 4 star shards, T4 Basic T1 Alpha 2500 5 star shards
4000 4 star shards T4CC crystal more T2 Alpha fragments and 5000 5* shards and a T4 basic
This does sound like a lot but it would go with what they said about making 5 stars more accessible and 4 stars would become as common as 3 stars which is what’s gonna happen with 6 stars coming anyway.
What do you all think is it too much or too little? Give your ideas below
They are fine how they currently are
Yeah that’s what I meant
Just for christmas
Why just for christmas? Is not necessary and it doesn't make sense.
Lol, "why just for Christmas" I take it you do not understand what Christmas time is... time of giving, celebration, presents... you know Santa right?
If course it makes sense. Are you gonna refuse to claim rewards from a special Christmas calendar if it isn't necessary.... yep thought so, of course you are.
I don't understand why you act like such a dooche.
No. That's stupid.
Next month is just like any other month. If you are going to suggest something then think more and better about it.
And there is a category just for that too