Lost 7 paragon crystals due to the server lag on 7 star launch.

Topocs1_Topocs1_ Member Posts: 2
I went to pop 10 of the paragon crystals and my game crashed, I came back to only having 3 paragon crystals with no increase to my solo/alliance event.


  • Soul2eaverSoul2eaver Member Posts: 3
    Same thing happened to me, I have made a post as well, hopefully they fix this
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    Lost 6 here, sent a ticket to Support, still waiting
  • BuddzBuddz Member Posts: 37
    Also lost crystals are not counting towards Progression
  • sectorzetasectorzeta Member Posts: 3
    Same problem here... also, the drop rates are way wrong! Purchased a total of over 100 Paragon crystals and didn't receive any 6 or 7 star champions. I should have received at least 5 or more between 6 and 7 star ones, but to receive none is not statistically possible if done correctly.
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    Im still waiting for Support response, I guess they are filled up with players tickets for the bugs so Ill wait till they say something
  • gelrolsteinergelrolsteiner Member Posts: 1
    Yeh~ this also happened to me the same situation. 9 of 10s paragon crystals is gone after long loading~ reboot is useless until now. should i dirrect contact to kabam admin.? i cant find Support & help section in this site~~
  • BuddzBuddz Member Posts: 37
    It is surprising that there’s no formal update from Kabam acknowledging this problem on the forum, even after 3/4 days. Any update would be helpful.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,018 ★★★★★
    Same, got a terrible response about missing points in the event.
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,878 ★★★★★
    You’ll get a response in 11 days when the event is over.
  • SquammoSquammo Member Posts: 616 ★★★
    Opened my 6 crystals from shooting stars quest and got disconnected. When I came back into the game I had 2 left. Missed out on the points for the other crystals.
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    Still waiting for more info I guess, I hope Kabam has an answer soon
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★
    I tried to open five of them, the disconnection error dumped me, apparently four of them opened in limbo and I got no points.
  • Grimv717Grimv717 Member Posts: 96
    I got a response from my ticket basically saying “No, don’t worry, the crystals that magically vanished and awarded you nothing were actually just duplicate champs even though you didn’t get any shards or iso or max sig crystals. Stop asking questions. Now that that’s resolved, ticket closed.” I spent money on units for crystals that disappeared without a trace. Guess it’s time for a fat refund.
  • BuddzBuddz Member Posts: 37
    There may be some truth to what kabam said that those missing champs may be dupes. If one is lucky, one can check alliance history for the same, and reconcile. Unfortunately there is no way to verify for all crystals. I have opened 60+ crystals, and unsure about it to be honest, and have no way of knowing whether i have lost some.

    but what is 100% undeniable that a lot of these have not contributed to milestones. i dont have screenshot/ recording, but it is a fact.

    kabam should be smart and take a pulse check on customer sentiment, or the diminishing trust will soon breach to an irreconcilable stage.
  • StampeedStampeed Member Posts: 3
    Just had the same issue. Tried to pop ten and the game crashed. Log back in to 3 crystals left and no points awarded.
  • iSmittyiSmitty Member Posts: 35
    Same issue here. Then it would show I had some of the missing crystals, but give me this error when I tried to open them. No response from support either.
  • SquammoSquammo Member Posts: 616 ★★★
    I got the same email from support as someone mentioned above.

    To be honest I’m not sure how this will be solved. All I want is the 2500 shards from the 10k milestone, but due to the disconnect I’m at 6600 while I should be at 9800 points.

    At this point there should be a warning in the game not to pop multiple paragon crystals at once or we risk losing points towards the event, since this still seems to be happening to people.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    Squammo said:

    I got the same email from support as someone mentioned above.

    To be honest I’m not sure how this will be solved. All I want is the 2500 shards from the 10k milestone, but due to the disconnect I’m at 6600 while I should be at 9800 points.

    At this point there should be a warning in the game not to pop multiple paragon crystals at once or we risk losing points towards the event, since this still seems to be happening to people.

    🤔 U want the 10k milestone reward at 9800...
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