Lost 7 paragon crystals due to the server lag on 7 star launch.

I went to pop 10 of the paragon crystals and my game crashed, I came back to only having 3 paragon crystals with no increase to my solo/alliance event.
but what is 100% undeniable that a lot of these have not contributed to milestones. i dont have screenshot/ recording, but it is a fact.
kabam should be smart and take a pulse check on customer sentiment, or the diminishing trust will soon breach to an irreconcilable stage.
To be honest I’m not sure how this will be solved. All I want is the 2500 shards from the 10k milestone, but due to the disconnect I’m at 6600 while I should be at 9800 points.
At this point there should be a warning in the game not to pop multiple paragon crystals at once or we risk losing points towards the event, since this still seems to be happening to people.