Stop it Kabam

Come on kabam....what are you all doing?Why is the AI so sped up?????? They are moving super fast. Slow them down. They don't even move that fast in the comics. Seeing Hulkbuster mover super fast is ridiculous. Seeing Sentinel move really fast is moronic. Bring the gameplay back how it was a couple of years ago and this game will be fun again. You guys are losing a lot of players lately because you guys have totally ruined the fun factor of the game. GET IT TOGTHER!!!!
Go back and play act 2 with a 1* to compare.
Not when they stand on the spot throwing a tantrum by randomly flailing combos at the air when you're trying to get an intercept. The input issues are bad enough, we don't need so throwing hands at the air and stuttering before they attack.
My combo hits (for example) whether landed or blocked are markedly slower during these times and it takes some adjustment. I much prefer the periods of time when they are both (attacker and defender) moving quickly personally.
Combat speed aside.. yes there are input issues at times still.. 💯
And yes the AI continues to counter typical player patterns more and more efficiently as we go on
Also, is it just me or when our character is Unblockable (think Herc in Immortality phase) the opposite seems to happen.. like, their hit box shrinks or goes missing or I'm executing dash attacks in place lol.. anyone had this feeling that it's just harder to connect during this time?
Totally silly.