This month SQ is grindy

When starting the SQ this month i initially thought there will be 3 paths but there's 5. And i would do at least two top difficulties cuz the rewards are good. But that makes at least 10 paths per episode and the fights do take some time with my champs. There's 3 more episodes of this it makes at least 40 paths to do for the rewards. This is like adding another EQ for us. The energy is not the issue. But the fights get repetitive and grindy /draggy/ boring after some time. The only motivation to complete SQ is that shiny 6* awakening gem. The reward is good but it gets boring to achieve it.
And something like the Spider Ham SQ would be awesome, not the normal one but the second one that were a ton of fights in a row, something like 20, and you got the huge rewards after doing it, I think that kind of SQs are more fun