Open post to programming team

I have been a loyal player of MCOC for going on five years now, and I'm not the only player noticing how much things have went down hill.
First, when the game engine was replaced, and we were told that “things would get better”…
Second with the various bugs with each champion, such as Nick Furry, Moleman, etc …
Third, is, and continues to be problems with war, as we are told issues are being “tweaked” …
And most recently, the introduction of “relics” to the game, which serve no value whatsoever, and of course now we have the 7 star champions…. *facepalm*
As a player who has worked on their roster for years, and acquired some amazing champions, it frustrates me to a degree to see the game take the direction it has, and I have noted some heavy hitters, such as Seatin, who no longer play on a regular bases.
My hope is that if enough of us bring this to the attention of the programming team, maybe some better, positive changes will take place.
Other summoners, if you have specific issues you have experienced, please feel free to share on this thread. We, as the games fans, should be seeing better improvements instead of the degradation of the game.
Thanks, and play on!
First, when the game engine was replaced, and we were told that “things would get better”…
Second with the various bugs with each champion, such as Nick Furry, Moleman, etc …
Third, is, and continues to be problems with war, as we are told issues are being “tweaked” …
And most recently, the introduction of “relics” to the game, which serve no value whatsoever, and of course now we have the 7 star champions…. *facepalm*
As a player who has worked on their roster for years, and acquired some amazing champions, it frustrates me to a degree to see the game take the direction it has, and I have noted some heavy hitters, such as Seatin, who no longer play on a regular bases.
My hope is that if enough of us bring this to the attention of the programming team, maybe some better, positive changes will take place.
Other summoners, if you have specific issues you have experienced, please feel free to share on this thread. We, as the games fans, should be seeing better improvements instead of the degradation of the game.
Thanks, and play on!
2. Bugs are always going to happen. No amount of money or amount of experience will prevent bugs from happening. Has Kabam made some glaring mistakes? Sure. But not agreeing with bugs they try to fix like Nick Fury or Mole Man, doesn't make them the bad guy.
3. What problems? They over tuned a global and fixed it before the season started and now it's quite manageable. Other than that, I don't know what problems in war you're referring too.
4. Relics have value. There are some really good relics like venom and hulk that do a lot to help champs. It's fine to not like them but it's just your opinion that they hold no value. This isn't the programmers decision anyway. Relics are a result of the creative team.
5. 7*'s are fine. They bring a new mechanic that is pretty neat to play around with. But the game has to progress some how. We weren't going to be stuck on 6*'s for the rest of the games life. 7*'s weren't the programmers decision. Just like with relics, it's the creative team who makes these decisions.
What direction has the game taken exactly?
What positive changes are you wanting to see? You're so unhappy with the direction of the game, what is it you think would make it better? Why leave it up to other summoners and not giving your own opinion? There are many who like relics and there are many who like 7*'s so why rely on their opinions?
I always find it funny how someone can make a post like this saying "we deserve better" but can't list a single thing that would make it better.