Sad times, feels like I'm being punished for my alliance choice

JacedafaceJacedaface Member Posts: 34
So just here show my disappointment really.
Was super hyped for the new 7* event. Been playing this game since pretty much day 1.
Sick n tired of the AQ AW grind so chill out with old players that I originally started an alliance with all them years ago.
Although the alliance is relaxed and I'd class myself as semi retired. I still go hard on all solo and story quests... Jumped into act 8 straight away...
Spent all my saved/earned in game units on paragon crystals. 2600 units, zero 6* or 7* pulls but hey that's the game.
The bit I am gutted about. Is reaching milestone 10 and I'm never even going to be able to claim milestone 1.
Due to being in an alliance where most people are barely even throne breaker. Let alone paragon or have access to 7* shards.
So, I know. "that's what you get for being lazy, just join a big alliance again" blah blah blah, but man I feel rather gutted.


  • JacedafaceJacedaface Member Posts: 34

    sounds like a personal problem.. not only for yourself but alliance mates as well.

    no offense but, cant expect to progress when you set yourself up for failure. theres going to be more future events
    and guess what people who dont play in an alliance or active alliance will miss out on alliance based content.

    you arent being punished, you simply arent being rewarded for stuff you guys dont qualify for.

    still have time to either get your buddies motivated into playing seriously again or simply move to an alliance with players who actually play the game

    Yeah sort of figured that would be the response. Haha

    Stop being a scrub and devote ur life to logging in for AQ AW or be happy with what you get I guess.

    But after multiple years of that sort of grind I am not going back. Guess it's time to truly retire.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    So I’m kinda retired from super competitive play, I login to play war and quest and personal stuff. I can still handle map 6 and tier 3 war by chillen. I work 50 hours a week and still manage to do some stuff in the game.

    I’m going to go as far as saying this is definitely your problem. I don’t touch arena, I haven’t finished uncollected in prolly 5 months (just cav and tb) and I hit 99k in the personal milestones. I spend but not much either, sigil and maybe $25 a month. Maybe $50 if something catches my eye (usually doesn’t I talk myself out of spending 60% of the time).

  • CrusaderjrCrusaderjr Member Posts: 1,059 ★★★★

    sounds like a personal problem.. not only for yourself but alliance mates as well.

    no offense but, cant expect to progress when you set yourself up for failure. theres going to be more future events
    and guess what people who dont play in an alliance or active alliance will miss out on alliance based content.

    you arent being punished, you simply arent being rewarded for stuff you guys dont qualify for.

    still have time to either get your buddies motivated into playing seriously again or simply move to an alliance with players who actually play the game

    Yeah sort of figured that would be the response. Haha

    Stop being a scrub and devote ur life to logging in for AQ AW or be happy with what you get I guess.

    But after multiple years of that sort of grind I am not going back. Guess it's time to truly retire.
    5min to move in AQ 6 energies worth, another 5-6min aw. if you are spending more than that on that content than yea maybe time to retire. game is entertainment, if you are no longer entertained then you cant really do much about it. you cant cry about not getting all the top tier goods if you cant put the work into it.. this norm of "hand me everything" is weird. at least with compensations, we who are effected due to kabams issues are intitled to it.
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★

    sounds like a personal problem.. not only for yourself but alliance mates as well.

    no offense but, cant expect to progress when you set yourself up for failure. theres going to be more future events
    and guess what people who dont play in an alliance or active alliance will miss out on alliance based content.

    you arent being punished, you simply arent being rewarded for stuff you guys dont qualify for.

    still have time to either get your buddies motivated into playing seriously again or simply move to an alliance with players who actually play the game

    Yeah sort of figured that would be the response. Haha

    Stop being a scrub and devote ur life to logging in for AQ AW or be happy with what you get I guess.

    But after multiple years of that sort of grind I am not going back. Guess it's time to truly retire.
    That's inaccurate. There are quite a few allis with retired paragons/tbs who don't even do aq/aw like mine and just grind at their own pace. This event was a pleasant surprise. Look around for a new home, the pity party isn't a good optic.

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  • rivetrivet Member Posts: 256
    If we join another alliance now, can we still get the milestones from 7* alliance event? I am in similar situation, not going to complain but this alliance event seems coming out of nowhere with insane reward in the milestones
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    Sorry but u decided to retire...
    U can't retire and have "competitive rewards" at the same time...
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,144 ★★★★★
    Its really all just a part of FOMO or fear of missing out. If you want better stuff, you'll need to stay in a better alliance for as long or much as possible. If you don't, your just gonna miss out. It's that simple.
  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    This event has been very disappointing.... And it's entirely because of people's reaction to it. The event is supposed to be aimed at select audiences, that truly earned and deserve 7*'s. It's not supposed to be for everyone. And I do include myself in the "I haven't earned it yet" bracket. The sense of entitlement of this whole event is UNREAL. And I don't mean just from this post, multiple others as well. And it's the exact same when it comes to demanding compensation. It's a nice to have, not a necessity every time something goes slightly wrong.

    To the OP, ultimately you're in a less competitive alliance, you can not expect competitive and high end rewards. You either need to, resign yourself to the fact you will have lower rewards, or start playing more competitively and find a higher ranked alliance.
  • DarkEternityDarkEternity Member Posts: 784 ★★★★

    sounds like a personal problem.. not only for yourself but alliance mates as well.

    no offense but, cant expect to progress when you set yourself up for failure. theres going to be more future events
    and guess what people who dont play in an alliance or active alliance will miss out on alliance based content.

    you arent being punished, you simply arent being rewarded for stuff you guys dont qualify for.

    still have time to either get your buddies motivated into playing seriously again or simply move to an alliance with players who actually play the game

    Nah, I totally get this dude. You have to understand that sometimes people need a break, it's hard for people with lives outside the game to play consistently in AW & AQ (speaking from experience in T1 AW & Map 8 AQ). Kabam did not make it known to us that they would be introducing 7* with an alliance based event until after the event had started. How were any of these types people supposed to know that they would not be able to qualify for these rewards? It isn't their fault that they had no time to prepare or find an alliance before this all started. I was fortunate not to be on one of my breaks and to play in a relatively active T1 alliance with people (including myself) willing to spend units to push us to the final objective. No one should be gated if they didn't know what was coming. If you know it's coming and still complain, then yeah I'm going to make fun of you. But for someone like this, there's no reason they should be treated as if they had a month's notice.
  • CrusaderjrCrusaderjr Member Posts: 1,059 ★★★★

    sounds like a personal problem.. not only for yourself but alliance mates as well.

    no offense but, cant expect to progress when you set yourself up for failure. theres going to be more future events
    and guess what people who dont play in an alliance or active alliance will miss out on alliance based content.

    you arent being punished, you simply arent being rewarded for stuff you guys dont qualify for.

    still have time to either get your buddies motivated into playing seriously again or simply move to an alliance with players who actually play the game

    Nah, I totally get this dude. You have to understand that sometimes people need a break, it's hard for people with lives outside the game to play consistently in AW & AQ (speaking from experience in T1 AW & Map 8 AQ). Kabam did not make it known to us that they would be introducing 7* with an alliance based event until after the event had started. How were any of these types people supposed to know that they would not be able to qualify for these rewards? It isn't their fault that they had no time to prepare or find an alliance before this all started. I was fortunate not to be on one of my breaks and to play in a relatively active T1 alliance with people (including myself) willing to spend units to push us to the final objective. No one should be gated if they didn't know what was coming. If you know it's coming and still complain, then yeah I'm going to make fun of you. But for someone like this, there's no reason they should be treated as if they had a month's notice.
    the thing is this event is target toward people who are a part of a certain progression. its not meant for everyone especially an old retired group of individuals. if a single person decides to go to that type of alliance then so be it. but any type of progression type events come with the ALLIANCE base part. may it be said in advance or not, you should know you will be missing out on a lot.
    and not only that, there was plenty of time to find an active alliance when the event started. could have looked around joined one got rewards and then went back to friendly alliance.
    again people cant cry about misfortunes especially when they dont do anything to work for what they deserve and earn.
    i understand getting screwed by forces that are not in our control, but this one was even tho it was horribly communicated to the community.
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    We're in that semi retired kinda thing. We do have a bunch of tb and paragon. But we chill on maps 2-4 with optional war. We get about 80mil which seems to be a nice sweet spot. Get done early. No need to log on during work, blah blah. Well probably hit milestone 4 for the event, but I won't even Qual for milestone 2. Is what it is. Though the whole 4* relic thing for milestone 1 is a joke. Kind of a slap for a 7* event. Rewards should be champ related, not relic related or have a little of both in the milestone.

    But as others said, you want those rewards. You gotta put in the time with that level of alliance. Once you reach acceptance of being happy with the time and effort spent and the rewards you get, you'll get over the fomo.

    I will say, we actually hold for SA every other week and tend to place in top 50 for rewards. If they wouldn't implemented the reward changes sooner, I just might have gotten at least the 2nd milestone in the 7*.
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    I was in a semi retired alliance where few ppl were interested in playing so it was fine, but eventually it got the point where the few were carrying everyone to better rewards.

    Switched to a much better alliance and I feel rewarded for my efforts. No more begging ppl to join or move or participate, simply play and enjoy.

    You're participating in an alliance where nobody else is interested in the game, that's not a semi retired, that looks like a dead alliance.
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