Mangog is actually GOOD?

So I pulled mangog as one of my first 7 stars and naturally assumed he was purely a defender. I knew nothing really about him except sp2 hits hard. Then I was force to use him on offence in bgs and this happened.

I did not play optimally at all using sp2 and random sp1 and some heavies and somehow came out with a victory in mysterium 1. So if you pull a mangog don't be too disheartened, he's actually a solid champ!

I did not play optimally at all using sp2 and random sp1 and some heavies and somehow came out with a victory in mysterium 1. So if you pull a mangog don't be too disheartened, he's actually a solid champ!
Glad you didn't get too disheartened and just assume he was trash!! 😁😁👍🏻
However, BG opened up a whole new type of fights. Suddenly, we don't need champions that can work throughout a quest. We need champions who can beat one opponent, right here, right now, and be done with it. It's possible that Mangog is really good for that (it certainly seems so based on what you said).
Similarly, pulling Mangog as a 7*s allow you to try him out at his near-optimal power level (for the moment). I remember when I started pulling my first 6*s - it allowed me to immediately try out certain champions that I never would have ranked up manually and tried out as 5*s. But more than that, given that 7*s are granted their maximum combat power rate from the get-go, it's possible that that's yet another thing that works in Mangog's favor. Maybe something that held him back a little was that it just took ever so slightly too long to reach his special attacks? Even if it didn't hold him back as such, maybe it just feels better to play him at max combat power rate? *shrugs*
Congrats on your Mangog pull! I'm in a similar boat with Wong. I won't bang on the big "Wong is criminally underrated!" drum yet, but I've enjoyed him so far from what little I've played with him.
Mangog has passive power gain and a Reduced combat Power rating - he has -40% combat Power.
So at rank 1:
A 5*/6* Mangog gains 60% of the combat power that a typical champion does.
A 7* Mangog gains 80% of the combat Power that a typical champion does.
Going from 60 to 80% is a relative increase of 1/3, so it should feel noticeably different playing him as a 7* champion.
I’ve been using mine a lot, pretty useful, don’t have the 6*