Dear Kabam Team Member who keeps adding T2A to End Game Rewards without the ability to sell them:

With all due politeness and respect.. pretty please, with sugar on top...


Trust, I have plenty of meh/for funsies r3
But I just meant in general, that Map 8/Paragon players receive too much T2A and not enough r4 material imo.. AQ, for one example, just doesn't make sense to me rn..hoping an update is on the horizon
But in the exploration rewards for that quest you get R4 mats.
That's what I'm saying.. that I can't support the use of the T2A we receive because I need the gold and corresponding materials to rank champions I will actually use.. so while I do plenty of "for fun" rank ups in an attempt to use some of them.. it's limited and ultimately a struggle to make use of them to the point where it really doesn't matter if they expire if we're being honest, yeah?
But the larger issue as I said is that we need large amounts of gold for rank ups beyond 6r3 (where T2A no longer is used)
If we factor this into the equation (that gold is needed for other things besides trying to use all this T2A) it's not quite as viable of an idea
It's a losing battle to try to use all of the t2a
To use T2A we also need adequate amount of T5B, but the T5B often falls short of corresponding T2A in inventory
The other option is to invest expiring T2A in 5* champs which at this point is just a waste of resources for many people
Abundance of T2A is not the issue....shortage of T5B is
Currently I have around 35 T2A but only 10 T5B
And I'm F2P. The one's able to pay always have the option to directly buy them all the time, so they have it even easier
Except in reality, it's a resource that was introduced in Act 4.. It's been.. more than 6 years since then? I'm sorry, but it no longer passes as a primary Map 8 or equivalent reward imo at this point. A secondary reward, maybe.. where you get just a few of them on the side. When you see folks with over 70 in the overflow.. it can no longer be referred to as a "valuable item".. for that bracket of player specifically (any item's value is relative to progression). If you can let 2-3 rows of something just drop off your inventory and it doesn't affect you.. it's simply not that valuable anymore.
"Rank more champs, my guy.." Lol, how many times are we gonna say this? Please read up in the post before saying this again.
I do.. I've said this many times. How many 6r3 should someone have? What is enough? 60, 70.. 120?
Idc.. I'll rank as many more as my gold and other resources allow, but once you've got 70 or more r3.. if you don't play arena anymore.. you're really only doing it so some item you have 108 of doesn't "go to waste". And naturally you'll want to rank 4 and 5 some of your champs too.. and when this begins to compete with your gold, iso and other material.. it just doesn't make sense at a certain point.
Map 8 rewards should be focused on (at a minimum) 6r4 materials (6r5/7r2 at the high end of the ranks).. not 6r3 materials. As I said.. for rank 100ish.. I received 100x the amount of t2a that I did t3a.. Can we think about this for a second? 100 times the amount.. not 10.. 100 times.. How does this pass?
I still spend glory for gold in the store cause 7 star and 6r5/r4 cost a lot. I would rather spend that on extra r4 mats but I have to spend glory or otherwise I will run out.
Iso I seem to have enough but I remember not so distant pasts where I was barely having enough - I don't want to go back to those times.
So yes there are precious resources to lose, to me gold and iso.
An analogy: if I have more than enough money, even to the point I can burn it, I would still not use it to buy a house in a distant country I will never live in or rent out.
*Disagrees incoming*