Underhanded patch!

StrategicStrategic Member Posts: 632 ★★★
So seems like kabam "fixed" Bishops interaction with Bahamet and he no longer considered to be purifying!
Found out the hard way just now cause kabam decided to keep it a secret and "ambush" you!

Another thing they didn't mention is that they changed the ping pong animation to have a slight delay when it hits Bahamet and before it bounces back at you. That also threw me off a little bit!

Had to use a few more revives than I should have!
Thanks kabam! Now to go grind revives for 15 days before my next run thanks to you taking revives away from us too!


  • DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Member Posts: 775 ★★★★
    Thats why I explored the first three days...If there’s no major issues on day 1 than do it ASAP cuz it’ll only get more frustrating with the never-ending changes(bugs)
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