Underhanded patch!

So seems like kabam "fixed" Bishops interaction with Bahamet and he no longer considered to be purifying!
Found out the hard way just now cause kabam decided to keep it a secret and "ambush" you!
Another thing they didn't mention is that they changed the ping pong animation to have a slight delay when it hits Bahamet and before it bounces back at you. That also threw me off a little bit!
Had to use a few more revives than I should have!
Thanks kabam! Now to go grind revives for 15 days before my next run thanks to you taking revives away from us too!
Found out the hard way just now cause kabam decided to keep it a secret and "ambush" you!
Another thing they didn't mention is that they changed the ping pong animation to have a slight delay when it hits Bahamet and before it bounces back at you. That also threw me off a little bit!
Had to use a few more revives than I should have!
Thanks kabam! Now to go grind revives for 15 days before my next run thanks to you taking revives away from us too!