Sigil Store update

Dylanc0405Dylanc0405 Member Posts: 47
They really need to update the sigil store. Not even worth buying anymore. This game has updated so much recently yet the store hasn't budged. It's not even worth the monthly investment anymore. Has anyone heard if kabam has mentioned anything about an update?


  • SbkruebSbkrueb Member Posts: 603 ★★★★
    Used to buy it every month but I haven't even thought about it once since becoming paragon. There is just no value.
  • HalleyHalley Member Posts: 575 ★★★
    Same here
    Just save for other better stuffs (if any)
  • Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Member Posts: 865 ★★★★
    The consumables in the store are terrible outdated... and need a major overhaul.

    The gold quest needs a paragon version.

    The weekly event is "alright"... nothing to write home about, but compared to the above... fine.

    The main reason to get it is the inventory cap... however with the current economy, the extra catalysts aren't that helpful compared to other times, and item cap limit on other items like revives and health potions aren't worth the price because the rare time you actually would benefit from it, you could just buy a couple more... and end up saving in the long run.

    Suggestions for changes (paragon):
    6 star featured -> 11K (same cadance)
    7 star crystal -> 13K (once a week)
    5 star shards -> 6 star shards: trade 10K for 2K 5 times a week
    6 star shards -> 7 star shards: trade 1000K for 250 up to 4 times a week.
    t4cc -> t5cc -> trade 12 for 1, each class once a month

    I'd also polish some other items... but those would be the main changes I'd suggest
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,170 ★★★★★
    Not really a reason to buy this store until it is updated. The paragon sigil items should be majorly overhauled.
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