Wish crystals

Gabriel_207Gabriel_207 Member Posts: 67
Is wish crystals still a thing or is that swept under the rug for now??


  • AshwinJ2020AshwinJ2020 Member Posts: 4
    Dude, I want a crystal thats insanely hard to get but you can select whatever character you want
  • Gabriel_207Gabriel_207 Member Posts: 67
    Same here
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,740 ★★★★★
    There won't be any wish crystals, they clearly said that the class nexuses are the closest thing to a WC. Stop spamming the forums with this.
  • DeepworldDeepworld Member Posts: 290 ★★★
    Wish crystals were so-called because Kabam knew they were never gonna happen, but the community will forever wish it did.
  • Noob_Master69Noob_Master69 Member Posts: 702 ★★★★
    Wish crystals are as of now put on the back burner so don't expect them any time soon. Instead of wish crystals they decided to increase the availability of Nexus crystals.
    I do wish we got an official update that kind of layed down all the promised/planned changes and let us know if they we're still happening. Like masteries, better arena system(not counting Express mode ofc), raids or whatever they were called, etc.

    Source btw: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/2270935#Comment_2270935
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