7* star solo event isnt working properly

Omair66Omair66 Member Posts: 64
If we open a 7* or paragon crystal it will increase score in solo and alliance event both wherease if we open paragon crystals from side quest 7* it wont increase score in solo events where in solo event narrtion that open a paragon or 7* crystal will increase that much score there is non written that only purchase will increase the score i think kabam should check it


  • LordIgorekLordIgorek Member Posts: 60
    My score went up after opening paragon crystals from side event
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,135 ★★★★
    When I open my paragon and 7 star crystals it gave points for solo and Alliance events. Not sure why yours isn't doing it.
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