Lo-Xa looking for 1

LO-Xa is recruiting - we cater to those looking to make a challenge leap but don’t want the pressure of P2W or those tired of paying to be in high tiers and want a small step down.

⭐️Top 200 AQ, 3BG AW, 15k prestige, LOOKING FOR 1⭐️
🔹AQ - BG1 Map 8, BG2 Map 6, BG3 Map 8: 5500+ glory weekly
🔹AW G1 3BG’s in season only (optional off season for free loyalty)
🔹Mainly US-based, relatively flexible on time zone
🔹Prestige - 13.5k+ preferred
🔹LINE required
🔹PM me to see if we’d be a good fit (LINE ID: Joestacks85)
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