Does anyone's game consistently crash whenever certain champions perform a special attack?

Hey community,
I'd like to do a sanity check and see if other people are experiencing the same issues that I am or if it's just me. My game crashes whenever certain champions perform a special attack and it is starting to get REALLY annoying. I'm good with occasional bug but when I keep taking deaths in AW due to the game crashing, it's extremely frustrating.
My game crashes whenever the following champs perform these specials:
- Dr. Doom's SP2
- Thing's SP1
- Psycho-man's SP1 and SP2
- Nova's SP2
- Ebony Maw's SP2
- Occasionally Man-Thing's SP1
- Guardian's SP2
Do you guys think I just need a new phone or is this happening to you guys as well?
I'd like to do a sanity check and see if other people are experiencing the same issues that I am or if it's just me. My game crashes whenever certain champions perform a special attack and it is starting to get REALLY annoying. I'm good with occasional bug but when I keep taking deaths in AW due to the game crashing, it's extremely frustrating.
My game crashes whenever the following champs perform these specials:
- Dr. Doom's SP2
- Thing's SP1
- Psycho-man's SP1 and SP2
- Nova's SP2
- Ebony Maw's SP2
- Occasionally Man-Thing's SP1
- Guardian's SP2
Do you guys think I just need a new phone or is this happening to you guys as well?
Add to the list of champ specials that crash the game: America Chavez sp1 and Professor X sp1&2. It's super frustrating and seems to happen in aw, AQ, and BG most commonly but will happen in other modes occasionally. I don't know, maybe I just remember it better when its effect is most annoying.
So to fix it first I'll reset my phone, sometimes it stops for the rest of the day.
Next step is clear game cashe and memory.
If it's still bad I uninstall and reinstall the game.
These fixes sometimes last a few days. They tend to not last a full week though.
My phone is a pixel 5a. Haven't noticed performance issues else where