who should i rank for thronebreaker title?

Wolviex81Wolviex81 Member Posts: 68
i'm about to fight the grandmaster and wanted to rank up one more champ that would help with the fight but i'm not sure which one would be the most beneficial. i got through act 6 pretty easily but the grandmaster has been a headache.
all champs are 6*.
the team i 've chosen so far is Doom (r4), shang-chi (r3) bwcv (r3) kitty pride (r3).
i know with this team he should be easy but i keep getting tripped up.

who should i rank for thronebreaker title? 47 votes

hit monkey to r3 for his crits
Manup456ege999menArydhdhEugene_VirtuosoJChanceH9KRANꓘcaptain_rogersGreekhitFiiNCHReignkingTWRenaxqqGogiAzenstarMarouenSUPREME77ThePredator1001willrun4adonutLickyTNB_FlashThorTheCool 34 votes
aegon to r2 but he's unduped
emma frost to r2 for kitty pride or 7*mysterio synergy
RiptideBarani7da13579rebel_Ansh_A 4 votes
morningstar to r2 because i heard shes a beast at 5 souls
bhuv9191SHIVAM__69 2 votes
other suggestions
SnakeEyes69ExiIronman3000AnlyShiroMikazukiAshacekarPizzaslayer11 7 votes


  • ExiExi Member Posts: 12
    other suggestions
    Non of those I would invest in a tech champ.
    Ideally someone like Warlock, Nimrod or Ultron would be my pick.
  • Wolviex81Wolviex81 Member Posts: 68
    i have a warlock and nimrod at r3 and ultron at r2. i didnt see any videos of them against the grandmaster so i assumed they weren't that great against them.
  • SUPREME77SUPREME77 Member Posts: 144
    hit monkey to r3 for his crits
    dank Cav players having r4s and multiple r3s scared me lol. Remember me going for gm and i had a 5* r4 aegon and 5/65 corvus as my main attackers
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,635 ★★★★★
    hit monkey to r3 for his crits
    Dude you hve a r4 already.. we did grandmaster with 5* max,you need not to rank any
  • ShiroMikazukiShiroMikazuki Member Posts: 568 ★★★
    other suggestions
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★★
    other suggestions
    Just beat him with what you have already. We all did it with much lower-ranked champs.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,787 ★★★★★
    hit monkey to r3 for his crits
    I'd actually suggest to bringing annihilus or Diablo for guarantee crits Doom. He's the best one you have for the Grand Master. And probably the best one overall for him.
  • Wolviex81Wolviex81 Member Posts: 68
    I always put off story mode. Then I realize I need to progress outside of eq, sq, and wars because rewards aren't cutting it. Ijust found gm tricky and wanted to take full advantage of my champs.
  • JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★
    hit monkey to r3 for his crits
    I wouldn’t worry about ranking up Emma. I did grandmaster with her painstakingly. If you’re using her for kitty, just use an extra revive on kitty with Emma on the team just for the synergy.

    I’ve never regretted taking HM to r3. Actually considering him for r4.
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