Hulkling vs Galan



  • KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Member Posts: 956 ★★★

    Both are amazing champs, I have both at high rank and it’s hard to say who’s better.

    Hulking is just a Swiss Army knife. Useful in just about any match up, there’s some match ups he’s a little better in, but overall he’ll always do about the same thing. Which is destroy everyone with an easy and fun playstyle. His pierce makes him a good block attacker, he’s got a ton of different buffs, and he does ramp up slightly faster when triggering his immunities. Also his regen is underrated I ate a magneto sp2 in battlegrounds and it took me down to 25%, with his regen and adrenaline I finished the fight at around 90%. He’s also probably the better defender.

    Galan is amazing in normal match ups but when the opponent has armor buffs or try’s to power burn, power drain, power lock, or special lock, he becomes an absolute nuke for that fight. A lot of people are saying he’s slower than hulkling but those people probably don’t know the best rotation. In battlegrounds if you build to sp2 enter harvest mode before throwing it, you’ll inflict 9 incinerates which do great damage along with the harvest. Then build to sp1, enter harvest mode again, and that sp1 will finish the fight. He’s one of the fastest battleground attacks. He’s also a monster one defense but not as annoying as hulking.

    Overall both champions are amazing with great utility and amazing damage. I prefer Galan as I find his playstyle enjoyable and when it’s a match up that benefits Galan, it’s insane how quickly he can nuke down the opponent. Also he’s a playable Galactus, that’s pretty cool.

    You probably aren't considering the fact that Hulkling reaches his sp2 quicker than galan and kills most champions in the combo after sp2 which is usually unblockable
    And hulkling gains increased attack for each unique buff on him too
    He is probably the fastest BG attacker after CGR in any normal matchups without any class advantage or disadvantage
    I hope you mean fastest cosmic BG attacker, because AA, tigra, ghost, and a few more are generally faster than hulkling.
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★

    Who is better and why?

    As an attacker with no suicides.

    i have them both as 6 star r4. And i will say Hulkling 100% better , especially in BG. Galan is only better under certain matchups / nodes .
  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,175 ★★★★
    I used to have both at r3 6 but decided to rank 4 Hulkling first a month ago. Galan still at rank 3 and strong. Hulkling gives you more and easier opening with his unblockable buff, also great block penetration with his pierce buff, amazing regen and indestructible. His playstyle is super fun and fast paced. Galan is no scrub though.

  • I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★★

    Both are amazing champs, I have both at high rank and it’s hard to say who’s better.

    Hulking is just a Swiss Army knife. Useful in just about any match up, there’s some match ups he’s a little better in, but overall he’ll always do about the same thing. Which is destroy everyone with an easy and fun playstyle. His pierce makes him a good block attacker, he’s got a ton of different buffs, and he does ramp up slightly faster when triggering his immunities. Also his regen is underrated I ate a magneto sp2 in battlegrounds and it took me down to 25%, with his regen and adrenaline I finished the fight at around 90%. He’s also probably the better defender.

    Galan is amazing in normal match ups but when the opponent has armor buffs or try’s to power burn, power drain, power lock, or special lock, he becomes an absolute nuke for that fight. A lot of people are saying he’s slower than hulkling but those people probably don’t know the best rotation. In battlegrounds if you build to sp2 enter harvest mode before throwing it, you’ll inflict 9 incinerates which do great damage along with the harvest. Then build to sp1, enter harvest mode again, and that sp1 will finish the fight. He’s one of the fastest battleground attacks. He’s also a monster one defense but not as annoying as hulking.

    Overall both champions are amazing with great utility and amazing damage. I prefer Galan as I find his playstyle enjoyable and when it’s a match up that benefits Galan, it’s insane how quickly he can nuke down the opponent. Also he’s a playable Galactus, that’s pretty cool.

    You probably aren't considering the fact that Hulkling reaches his sp2 quicker than galan and kills most champions in the combo after sp2 which is usually unblockable
    And hulkling gains increased attack for each unique buff on him too
    He is probably the fastest BG attacker after CGR in any normal matchups without any class advantage or disadvantage
    I hope you mean fastest cosmic BG attacker, because AA, tigra, ghost, and a few more are generally faster than hulkling.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,880 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    Galan has more utilities

    Uhh how? Hulkling has double immunities (poison and shock) and the same immunity to power manipulation that Galan has. The only bit of utility that Galan trumps Hulkling in is nullify stuff.
    And that's enough,we have lot of poison immune cosmics,but the only nullify resistant cosmics r,angela adam nd galan.Nullify nd power drain immunity,he just have everything again most mystics nd anti cosmic nodes
  • Yuvraj_267Yuvraj_267 Member Posts: 397
    Thus is a debate which never ends
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,418 ★★★
    Hulkling is better all around. Sure, galan has harvest, but that’s it.
    Hulkling is goated defender and attacker!
  • DarknessFallsDarknessFalls Member Posts: 165 ★★
    I donno why no one mentions this but galan being the cosmic Apoc is being overlooked here.
  • StephD87StephD87 Member Posts: 83

    Thus is a debate which never ends

    I don't know about you but it seems to me as though this debate/discussion ended in May 2023...
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 605 ★★★
    Hulkling a far better champ Galan is slow unless it’s ideal match ups, gets worse in bigger healthpool match ups, and doesn’t hold much defensive value without very specific nodes.
    Hulkling however has better immunities, defense, damage in more match ups, and overall better utility
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,163 ★★★★★
    Its crazy how this thread aged from both champs being near equal to what we now see as Hulkling being the dominant and clear cut winner of the 2. I’m leaning to even r5ing CGR over Galan for BGs use. Maybe even Herc as well
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