Champion immunity inconsistency

Some Champions have immunity to different effects in the game based on their powers abilities and physiological makeup. However there are inconsistencies in these abilities. There are several examples. Iceman is immune to incinerate however in an Iceman vs. Iceman fight he is not immune to Cold Snap or frostbite. This makes no sense. Electro should be immune to shock. There are also many other characters that should be immune to incinerate cold snap and frostbite. The Phoenix, Red Hulk, Ghost Rider are just some of the examples of this. I hope that the game can grow and make more accurate and balance immunities for the proper and appropriate characters to reflect their powers and abilities more accurately.
Maybe make my 5* khamala Khan worth something since I can't sell her anymore..
It makes sense for things to be the way they are. This isn't real life or marvel universe, is an entire new universe with different laws
Kabam owns this universe, they decide the laws of it
So Ghost Rider can spit fire from his gut (lv 2), fire comes out his arm onto his chain (lv1), fire coming out his head, rides a motor cycle that has fire wheels and under Carriage but you take incinerate damage? That's really ****. So what about Mep? And red hulk now? Let me guess their fire is different?