I also have disconnects that lead to draws, no return of elder marks when game is disconnected randomly, no timers on battles, and the list goes on? Another compensation instead of fixing the servers?
Yep. Just had the same problem. Used battle chips, 1 fight in and connection drops and lose the whole battle. Great times! Gonna give BG a break for a few days. It’s to bugged. Game needs to be properly fixed or regular compensation dropped to make up for wasted resources.
Kabam, as usual, is done through one place, I was turned out 2 times and my friend 5 times. We don't know what to do, Kabam is probably asked: why do few players play the battlefields? And because you made them with your crooked hands, it's impossible to play a bug on the bug. I turned me out of the battle where I would 100% win, and this draft. This is some kind of garbage, the great Kabamovsky random does not give what you need, for example, the enemy fell mountains and he took it. I need Claire, but I was given a choice of: atums, news and a ghostly space racer without a double. And I lost because none of these three kills him, 7* in the fields is a separate topic. Fierce imbalance, regenerates 2000 health per tick, without regeneration control it is immortal. And why the timers differ, I watched how the battle went at the enemy and at home and there is a different result. Timers are broken, and this problem occurs with the beta test of fields, why the content creators didn't say anything about it, I don't know. I'll attach connection problems with screenshots, I have good 5g Wi-Fi Internet and Mega Fast Internet. But Kabam didn't see the connection.