15,166 prestige looking for at least plat 4 team

Hey first of all sorry to any who messaged me as I lost my line when I switched phones so I had to start a new line.
Ok so I’m looking for a team who will be ok with me not every second being around for aq as I have 2 jobs. I can at least log in 2 times a day to move but probably more like 3-4 moves. Which is slow for me but probably the same as many slackers 😂. For aw I’m capable of doing plat 1 but had to leave my alliance because they wanted to venture into pay to win territories which I didn’t wanna do unfortunately.
My line id is Derek2k23 and I have discord if that’s needed. Hmu thanks
Ok so I’m looking for a team who will be ok with me not every second being around for aq as I have 2 jobs. I can at least log in 2 times a day to move but probably more like 3-4 moves. Which is slow for me but probably the same as many slackers 😂. For aw I’m capable of doing plat 1 but had to leave my alliance because they wanted to venture into pay to win territories which I didn’t wanna do unfortunately.
My line id is Derek2k23 and I have discord if that’s needed. Hmu thanks