Looking for advice on my current alliance

MohsanchezMohsanchez Member Posts: 6
Hey so I turned paragon very recently and still want to grow my account but I’m in an alliance that’s just doesn’t feel is at my level, when It comes to events I feel like I’m always the only one that contributes to it and everyone else does the bare minimum or the maximum they can do at there level and we have 27 members but when we do 2bg war it’s only filled with 17 people at the most. This war season has been our best with silver 1 so far but not sure how long it’ll last and almost feel like leaving and joining a new alliance but I’ll feel bad for everyone I’m leaving as me and about 10 people actually do war and quest and normally am the number 1 contributor. Sorry for long post what I’m pretty much asking is should I leave and find a new alliance and stick whit my current and hope everyone starts helping.


  • MohsanchezMohsanchez Member Posts: 6
    Sorry meant to put this in suggestions and request.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,133 ★★★★
    If you think the current alliance won't get any better than it's time to leave. Unless there's a miracle, most alliances don't just start doing more. Ususally overtime they start doing less since they are comfortable with the way things are and know they can get away with doing less. You seem to have outgrown your alliance so you might want to see if there is another alliacne that suits your needs. It might take a few to find the right one since there are so many good/bad alliances out there. Good luck.
  • Booya5Booya5 Member Posts: 7
    If you are a top contributor in your alliance by a wide margin then you are doing yourself a disservice if your main goal is to grow. You will likely become more frustrated and, eventually, resentful. Best to move on and find an entire group of likeminded folks. I used to try to find an alliance where I was lower mid tier. My activity usually made up the difference in my lack of skills. Good luck
  • BladeZero81BladeZero81 Member Posts: 111
    I'm starting to feel the same way about my alliance too. I've been with my alliance for about 2 years and helped progress from Bronze 3 all the way to Silver 1 in AWs, but now we seem to have hit a wall and we barely get enough people to full BG in AWs. I just reached Paragon at the beginning of May and we had 1 other person who was Paragon, but they just left recently. I think the next closest person to me is Cav if I remember correctly. I like my alliance and all, but I don't feel like we are really moving anywhere anymore.
  • HoadyOZHoadyOZ Member Posts: 281 ★★
    I’ve always liked the term “Alliance” in this game. It doesn’t use terms like team or league like similar games and it doesn’t mean the same thing. In a team, you make sacrifices for the benefit of group. In an alliance, you benefit from collective selfishness. The alliance is not working for you, so it’s time to move on.
  • Johnson374Johnson374 Member Posts: 34
    ... move on and grow your account.

    loyalty doesn't help your progress ...
  • MohsanchezMohsanchez Member Posts: 6
    Thanks for the advice I think I’m going to stay until war ends to at least get rewards I deserve and will find a new alliance.
  • BladeZero81BladeZero81 Member Posts: 111

    Thanks for the advice I think I’m going to stay until war ends to at least get rewards I deserve and will find a new alliance.

    I think I might do the same thing with my alliance too
  • GasHaulerGasHauler Member Posts: 192 ★★
    Hey, sorry to hear about your dilemma! I agree with the others, that if you feel like you’re being held back by your alliances lack of participation, then you should definitely think about searching for one that more suits what you’re looking for to meet your needs, before you get even more frustrated and possibly lose interest.

    Depending on what you’re looking for out of an alliance, the ΛVR Family may have a home that better suits what you’re looking for! We have a good mix of alliances that focus on different things, different levels of AQ / War, Battlegrounds, etc.

    Send me a message on Line: gashauler
  • FuneralMistFuneralMist Member Posts: 110 ★★
    Pack and leave..loyalty isn't everything just find anew team of like minded peeps and you should be able to progress steadily
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