Hyperion to r4?

I have 2 cosmic t5cc and one each of all others EXCEPT skill. It will be awhile before I get 2 of any of the others. I haven't regretted taking hype to r3 at all but I wanna know if he will be useful to help me get to thronebreaker and beyond that. Or should I wait to get a second t5cc for one of these others? Doom is r4 already btw.

I like nick all right but he's exactly what I need him to be at this point at r3.
I went ahead and took the leap and so far so good. My r4 hype tops a 50k health which is nuts at my level (still languishing in act 6, sigh) and he was my second r3 after doom so I've gotten pretty good at using him.
One of my alliance mates said they don't use hype bc he's "boring" and I think I get it. But it's also why I like him. You know exactly what you're gonna get out of him every fight. He's And solid, consistent. And as long as you can time that back dash perfectly (easier said than done), he lasts fight after fight. Poison immunity is just icing on the cake