No Recoil Masteries in BGs?? Champs Abilities Broken

MetricAreaMetricArea Member Posts: 27
I have just attempted to play BGs and encountered some very weird stuff.

1. To start off, I am currently running the Recoil tree (Recoil, Liquid Courage, Double Edge). When I went into the BG match my champs did not have any damaging Debuffs on them nor did they take Recoil damage after Specials. What??!
2. Several game mechanics did not work. Knull's Corrpution vs CGR did not activate. CGRs Judgement Cycles did not lead to damnation, Armor Breaks did not activate. Claire's stances did not switch or switched by themselves.

And I am not even mentioning forfeits here.

I don't usually run the Recoil masteries. Has anyone experienced anything like that? It did not seem like a visual bug.

I don't have time to make a screen-recording now but will check in later if the bugs persist.


  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    If you run masteries, you need to go into the deck and save the current masteries so that it will be applied to the deck. Then you can change the masteries and it won't affect your deck
  • MetricAreaMetricArea Member Posts: 27
    Hmm ok fair, that part may be on me. Yessss now that you say it, I remember that part. Ok, LOL

    Pretty sure the other things I reported I did not just imagine. The fight mechanics seemed off even more than usual. I will try to record some fights later to double-check.

    Thanks AverageDesi!
  • MetricAreaMetricArea Member Posts: 27
    I don't usually swap Masteries so I forgot that part.
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,063 ★★★★★
    Debuffs are getting purified by the masochism node, that is likely what you are seeing with certain abilities not working.
  • MetricAreaMetricArea Member Posts: 27
    Yeah Idk I cannot prove it now but some things went down that seemed even weirder than the usual bugs.

    And yes I know about Masochism but it does not impact actual Abilities from working.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    If there's any sort of aar, then cgrs damnation can fail. Same for corruption, the armour breaks could have just been purified
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