Mystic dispersion and power gain

Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
edited November 2017 in General Discussion
Now that we have new war nodes, does anyone find power gain plus mystic dispersion more fun and interactive than old war setup?

Mystic dispersion and power gain 15 votes

Yes, I love facing dormamu with power gain and mystic dispersion, stop crying and get some skill
aiktow4uFireballs5MoneygrabDanicb94YouCantSeeMe2MrLalowphillgreenGruftyMaledracbarbejosht69_13 10 votes
Not really. I find facing a mephisto with power gain and mystic dispersion to be a little punishing
mostlyharmlessnCapWW2Mr_mc_person34 3 votes
Power gain, shmower gain.
Speedbumpvinniegainz 2 votes
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