**AW Boosting for Defender Rating, How Much Longer Will You Be Able To Buy a Win??*

Ever since the launch of Alliance War 2.0, boosting has effected defender rating, which was little known at first behind the shockwave of diversity, but now is common knowledge throughout at least Tier1-2 AW. Despite Kabam efforts, 100% is still very easily achievable, and everyone for the most part has 150 diversity, so defender rating becomes the tiebreaker in most situations.
Having boosts effect that number is reprehensible to me, because it forces people to boost for every war if they want to stay competitive, which is impossible to maintain without eventually spending units on boosts. If every alliance member is required to place a full suite of boosts before placing, thats an ODIN a war per ally in kabam's pocket. This makes AW a PAY TO WIN experience, causes huge alliance strife between members who want to win and those who don't want to feed kabam/free-to-play, NOT TO MENTION the swapping of defender rating which is widespread at the start of an AW now. (PS Kabam, I know you wanted to remove the feeling that one guy got when he was stuck behind a node in AW 1.0 and felt helpless, well now the whole alliance can feel hopeless 10 minutes into AW....yea....feels bad guy)
Now I'm not accusing Kabam of doing this intentionally to drive revenue, but in the posts Ive seen so far on this topic, the mod didn't know it even existed, and then there was no followup, I would like to see a mod weigh in on this issue and if it is being worked on as a fix or if this is a permanent fixture of AW now.
Possible solutions are....
1) Recode scoring so boosts have no effect
2) Removing defender rating as tiebreaker, and make defender kills the tiebreaker, that way they still impact the game, and are not as stressful to that one guy at a node because they only come into effect in a tiebreaker. Skill would decide AW in these cases, which I think most would agree, is how it should be.
Thank you for reading and I tried to explain the issue clearly and constructively, a response from a mod detailing the awareness and progress towards a fix of this issue would be greatly appreciated, I know my alliance is demotivated from wars straight of coming up on the short end of the stick rating wise because I won't mandate boosting, and it's seriously in need of light at the end of the tunnel time dudes.
Having boosts effect that number is reprehensible to me, because it forces people to boost for every war if they want to stay competitive, which is impossible to maintain without eventually spending units on boosts. If every alliance member is required to place a full suite of boosts before placing, thats an ODIN a war per ally in kabam's pocket. This makes AW a PAY TO WIN experience, causes huge alliance strife between members who want to win and those who don't want to feed kabam/free-to-play, NOT TO MENTION the swapping of defender rating which is widespread at the start of an AW now. (PS Kabam, I know you wanted to remove the feeling that one guy got when he was stuck behind a node in AW 1.0 and felt helpless, well now the whole alliance can feel hopeless 10 minutes into AW....yea....feels bad guy)
Now I'm not accusing Kabam of doing this intentionally to drive revenue, but in the posts Ive seen so far on this topic, the mod didn't know it even existed, and then there was no followup, I would like to see a mod weigh in on this issue and if it is being worked on as a fix or if this is a permanent fixture of AW now.
Possible solutions are....
1) Recode scoring so boosts have no effect
2) Removing defender rating as tiebreaker, and make defender kills the tiebreaker, that way they still impact the game, and are not as stressful to that one guy at a node because they only come into effect in a tiebreaker. Skill would decide AW in these cases, which I think most would agree, is how it should be.
Thank you for reading and I tried to explain the issue clearly and constructively, a response from a mod detailing the awareness and progress towards a fix of this issue would be greatly appreciated, I know my alliance is demotivated from wars straight of coming up on the short end of the stick rating wise because I won't mandate boosting, and it's seriously in need of light at the end of the tunnel time dudes.
This discussion has been closed.
Even if true or not, you could easily just remember to apply a boost yourself. Why not, if it gives your alliance a little edge within the scope of the game? It's not an exploit, or a hack by Kabam's definition.
It unfortunately definitely does effect the overall defender rating, and its easy to say boost yourself, but at 3 wars a week, each requiring a full suite just to place, you run out of naturally earned boosts quickly, and find yourself spending, if you run the math, its about an ODIN an ally per war, just to have a shot at winning. I never said it was hack or exploit, simply that AW tier1/2 at least (the only places I have experience) are now PAY TO WIN
Did you read the post? He's saying they could do that, but the cost would be excessive just for a PI boost. Not sure what evidence there is that everyone is doing this either though. If I'm planning to boost for something else, then I'll make sure to drop defense while boosted, but I wouldn't go out of my way to drop 1 hour long attack, health, and champ each war before placing.
Lots to take in here, but I want to let you all know that I've passed this on to the team. We've also been discussing the points awarded from boosts for Alliance Wars. Unfortunately, it's not a simple change to make, and could have many different knock on effects, so we can't simply make them not count for points (yet), but this could be something that we can do in the future.
Next, as we have said many times before, and will only touch on briefly here before closing this thread, we are not done with Alliance Wars. We are still continuing to make more changes, and have more changes planned that will bring Alliance Wars closer to what our goals for the mode were, and to make Alliance Wars into the mode that you all want it to be!