I didn’t really think I needed to prove something was wrong. Like just play the game. Super Skrull is shooting Hyperion out of the sky. Mangog gained the power to levitate rocks on his sp2. Like every animation is broken. Not to mention if they would like to see how broken the game is device to device. Go watch a couple live streams. Every single one is proof of the bugs. Or just ask some of your own devs or CCP.
YouTube BG streams are full of DC Bugs, Zero Point Bugs, (there’s like 10 more bugs I’m not typing them all) and dodgy Ai….. Tom-foolery, let’s call it. It’s right there for them to see in action.
This last patch also gave them special priority for some reason. Coming out of a special, you CANNOT launch a special again before the Ai. They can choose not to. Allowing you to. But you can’t beat them on the stand up anymore if they get straight up and fire it.
Not that that is the same thing, but y’all are clearly doing things under the hood that are effecting everything.
Which youtuber has done a stream recently that has what you're referring to so I can go and take a look?
Dementia Dreaming, Lefty Knox and Simula67 all had both the VFX bug and several legit BG bugs on their streams today. One bug literally kept them from ranking up.
I didn’t really think I needed to prove something was wrong. Like just play the game. Super Skrull is shooting Hyperion out of the sky. Mangog gained the power to levitate rocks on his sp2. Like every animation is broken. Not to mention if they would like to see how broken the game is device to device. Go watch a couple live streams. Every single one is proof of the bugs. Or just ask some of your own devs or CCP.
YouTube BG streams are full of DC Bugs, Zero Point Bugs, (there’s like 10 more bugs I’m not typing them all) and dodgy Ai….. Tom-foolery, let’s call it. It’s right there for them to see in action.
This last patch also gave them special priority for some reason. Coming out of a special, you CANNOT launch a special again before the Ai. They can choose not to. Allowing you to. But you can’t beat them on the stand up anymore if they get straight up and fire it.
Not that that is the same thing, but y’all are clearly doing things under the hood that are effecting everything.
Which youtuber has done a stream recently that has what you're referring to so I can go and take a look?
As much as I hate these nonstop complaint forum posts full of just arguing over nothing, they have a decent point with this one. I've been super into BG's tournament streams lately, and there's always at least one fight where the AI holds it's special for 20+ seconds, often causing the player to lose over the time difference. I'm not gonna go back to the streams and sift through them to prove passive AI is real because I'm sure you're relatively aware.
But my main issue with Kabam's lack of transparency is the fact that I'm not even sure passive AI is an issue to them. I'm willing to put in some work to prove bugs that I know aren't intended, as I have done before, but even after stalking the forums for moderator comments about AI behavior I still have no idea if dexing mediums for 45 seconds until Hyperion hits 3 bars of power is intended. If it is, I'd be okay with just accepting it as part of the game and developing my power control roster just that much more, but we really have no way of knowing. I know there are a lot of unintentional AI issues, but without specifics on which common AI problems aren't intended, I feel like I'd be wasting my time recording fights against passive AI.
There are really only two things we can be sure of in this game: 1. Issues do exist. 2. Just complaining is the absolute worst way to fix them.
So what I would suggest to Jax, Miike, or any slightly less popular but still cool moderator who might be reading this: A somewhat detailed FAQ on AI/Input issues would be extremely helpful.
Just off the top of my head, a few things I would personally like answered are:
Are enemy special intercepts intended? Are enemy light attack intercepts intended? What category of issue (AI or Input) would these two fall under?
Is passive AI intended?
How do the devs plan on tackling AI/Input issues? Is this a problem that could be solved by reworking the AI mechanics to make them more reliable, or would just bug fixing be their preferred way of addressing it?
Overall, the game is mostly fine for me. The special attacks visual bug has been annoying, but obviously it's only temporary. The possibly permanent issues are the ones that concern me. As much as I'd like to advocate for Kabam and as much as I'm against the anger towards the 9-5 employees rather than the executives who actually make the money from this game, the lack of communication from moderators can be very draining. It feels like we have to rely on some random forum post asking the right question to get any real answers, which just isn't a reliable system.
I didn’t really think I needed to prove something was wrong. Like just play the game. Super Skrull is shooting Hyperion out of the sky. Mangog gained the power to levitate rocks on his sp2. Like every animation is broken. Not to mention if they would like to see how broken the game is device to device. Go watch a couple live streams. Every single one is proof of the bugs. Or just ask some of your own devs or CCP.
YouTube BG streams are full of DC Bugs, Zero Point Bugs, (there’s like 10 more bugs I’m not typing them all) and dodgy Ai….. Tom-foolery, let’s call it. It’s right there for them to see in action.
This last patch also gave them special priority for some reason. Coming out of a special, you CANNOT launch a special again before the Ai. They can choose not to. Allowing you to. But you can’t beat them on the stand up anymore if they get straight up and fire it.
Not that that is the same thing, but y’all are clearly doing things under the hood that are effecting everything.
Which youtuber has done a stream recently that has what you're referring to so I can go and take a look?
Check out lags BG also experienced them during his streams Slayer put up a video about wrong trajectory of projectile specials
@Demonzfyre So you think with months and months of input issues and crazy ai issues that people have been complaining about both verbally and with videos that’s not enough? Can you compare the number of people having these same issues throughout the community for months to the people who say they have none or little issues? No it doesn’t even come close and as company making millions why do the clients, members, users or whatever they want to call us have to not only spend time and money but also work for the issue tracking team. That’s absolutely wild and pretty ridiculous.
That is how it works, not everything can be "caught" inside their test environment. This is where the enduser comes in and can provide their case in form of a video/screenshots even logs if they have access to it. Just saying it does not work is not enough, for me everything works no lags/delays disconnects etc. What I have noticed this patch is that Ægons and Wiccans SP1 shoots the beam up in the air, it's hilarious
@Demonzfyre So you think with months and months of input issues and crazy ai issues that people have been complaining about both verbally and with videos that’s not enough? Can you compare the number of people having these same issues throughout the community for months to the people who say they have none or little issues? No it doesn’t even come close and as company making millions why do the clients, members, users or whatever they want to call us have to not only spend time and money but also work for the issue tracking team. That’s absolutely wild and pretty ridiculous.
That is how it works, not everything can be "caught" inside their test environment. This is where the enduser comes in and can provide their case in form of a video/screenshots even logs if they have access to it. Just saying it does not work is not enough, for me everything works no lags/delays disconnects etc. What I have noticed this patch is that Ægons and Wiccans SP1 shoots the beam up in the air, it's hilarious
“Not everything” is doing a lot of heavy lifting there…
Guys make sure you’re recording every fight to catch the issue the game has and post or Kabam can’t fix the issues 🤣
Not every issue but capture what you're experiencing once, that's all. With the frequency it's happening, it shouldn't be hard for some of you.
Kabam didn't hire us for their bug tracking team
I see. So the bugs section of the forums is a figment of our imaginations? No game that's ever existed allows people to report bugs THEY'RE experiencing? Weird. Could have sworn there was a Bugs section here.
Everyone is going to have a different experience. My personal experience right now is that I'm seeing some weird input issues and what seems to me is some hotbox issues. I've seen faster recoveries and what seems to me is faster than normal dash in from defenders.
I'm not having lag issues. I'm not having VFX issues. My game doesn't suddenly go into portrait mode. I don't have any disconnect issues.
So if my experience is different than your experience, how should a developer go about fixing bugs? You aren't paid to report bugs but it's been common practice since basically games became widely available to the masses and the internet being born for players to report bugs. Nintendo used to have a phone to call and report issues and also get game hints. The developers don't have a test environment that can replicate every device this game is played on. This is why they ask that you provide your device details and as much visual evidence as possible, when possible.
If you believe you should be getting paid for reporting bugs and you're upset your not, don't report them but also, don't come here complaining about something not working or then not fixing something.
@Demonzfyre just like you think people are supposed to know when to start recording because an issue is about to kick in shouldn’t you know when YouTubers streams about start and watch?
@Demonzfyre just like you think people are supposed to know when to start recording because an issue is about to kick in shouldn’t you know when YouTubers streams about start and watch?
P.S KT1 is live check it out
It's frustrating talking to people like you who have such a narrow field of vision. You're thinking that you have to press record at the right time in order to capture what you're seeing. You don't have to do that. If you're experiencing things in arena, record before doing some rounds until what you're trying to record comes up, then stop recording.
If what you're trying to catch is crystal opening issues like lag, record your openings until you get it.
Same steps for all of it. Delete recordings you don't need right away if you don't have a ton of storage on your phone. Upload to youtube, and the creator tools has ways to edit down the videos if needed. It's really not difficult.
Consider that the team managed to release a Twitter post for one of the biggest MCoC stories of the year only yesterday that wasn’t proofread, wasn’t final or was just flat wrong. Sure, that’s not game code, but neither does it support the thesis that complaints about MCoC sloppiness are some type of mass formation psychosis.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola with logic and reason once again. But that is not welcome on Internet forums!
@Demonzfyre I’m not recording nothing we shouldn’t have to because the issues are present and a lot of people have been reporting the same stuff for a long time already, Kabam can do the testing them self because no way could they do a proper testing and not see these issues the community has been complaining about for months.
I have been playing this game since release and when it’s working well I’ll say that but it’s been a nightmare in multiple aspects for a long time now.
How is that multiple people go back and forth with you in multiple threads so maybe it’s you who has narrow field of vision.
Example: 50 people say the color is blue and 1 person says it’s orange and argues with the 50 people saying they are wrong.
@Demonzfyre I’m not recording nothing we shouldn’t have to because the issues are present and a lot of people have been reporting the same stuff for a long time already, Kabam can do the testing them self because no way could they do a proper testing and not see these issues the community has been complaining about for months.
I have been playing this game since release and when it’s working well I’ll say that but it’s been a nightmare in multiple aspects for a long time now.
How is that multiple people go back and forth with you in multiple threads so maybe it’s you who has narrow field of vision.
There's the winning attitude. So tell me how you'd like the Kabam developers to test for every single device that can run MCOC? For reference- https://help.kabamsupport.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052392992-Device-Compatibility These are the minimum specs required to run MCOC. Do you know how many devices this includes? On the conservative side- 500+. Different graphics chips, different processors, various ram amounts etc.. not to mention that Apple is notorious in slowing it's older phones down to get people to upgrade.
So I ask again, if you were a lead developer for Kabam and in charge of Q.A, what's your plan to get the game to run flawlessly on every single device like you're expecting. How can you do it with a team of 15 or so? And how can you manage to still create new content that stays compatible with all these different devices?
Do you go to the doctor and give them zero information about what's wrong and tell them they're the doctors they should know?
Do you take your car to the mechanic and tell them to figure it out because you're not paid to tell them what's wrong with your car?
I'll be waiting for your strategic plan. Tag me when you have it.
People have a life and this game for anyone who’s playing at a higher lvl knows this game takes a good portion of your day to get things done on top of dealing with the issues your trying to get AQ, AW, content done, play BGs, learn champs abilities etc…this is a complex game and we all love it when it’s working properly but you think people have more time to record fights, upload to YouTube and then come post it. Like why should we have to do that?
If you’re seeing a large amount of threads all about these same issues you wouldn’t think they would do some real testing on these issues because if they did no way would they not see this?
Also if they want video at least meet the community halfway and provide a real way to upload video on these forums to make it easier on the users.
We shouldn’t have to help them do their job period.
People have a life and this game for anyone who’s playing at a higher lvl knows this game takes a good portion of your day to get things done on top of dealing with the issues your trying to get AQ, AW, content done, play BGs, learn champs abilities etc…this is a complex game and we all love it when it’s working properly but you think people have more time to record fights, upload to YouTube and then come post it. Like why should we have to do that?
If you’re seeing a large amount of threads all about these same issues you wouldn’t think they would do some real testing on these issues because if they did no way would they not see this?
Also if they want video at least meet the community halfway and provide a real way to upload video on these forums to make it easier on the users.
We shouldn’t have to help them do their job period.
People have a life and this game for anyone who’s playing at a higher lvl knows this game takes a good portion of your day to get things done on top of dealing with the issues your trying to get AQ, AW, content done, play BGs, learn champs abilities etc…this is a complex game and we all love it when it’s working properly but you think people have more time to record fights, upload to YouTube and then come post it. Like why should we have to do that?
If you’re seeing a large amount of threads all about these same issues you wouldn’t think they would do some real testing on these issues because if they did no way would they not see this?
Also if they want video at least meet the community halfway and provide a real way to upload video on these forums to make it easier on the users.
We shouldn’t have to help them do their job period.
If you don't have time, don't do it. You don't have to do anything, but it's a great help to the developers and it's the best way to get your problem fixed as soon as possible. If you just say you have a problem and don't provide proof, the devs can't do anything for you. They can and do test bugs themselves, but they can't do that for every single bug that a few people experience in uncommon interactions. When it comes to AI/Input issues, they are well aware of them, but they can't narrow down each individual cause without help from the massive player base who do have the time to record a 20 second video.
It’s been done multiple times all over this forum what don’t you guys understand. Pictures, Videos and countless threads on these issues how much proof and video do they need? You can even search YouTube and find multiple videos on these issues 🤦🏻♂️ this is crazy.
It’s been done multiple times all over this forum what don’t you guys understand. Pictures, Videos and countless threads on these issues how much proof and video do they need? You can even search YouTube and find multiple videos on these issues 🤦🏻♂️ this is crazy.
You're right. It's crazy to continue having this conversation with you. It's literally like talking to a wall. Have the day you deserve.
Is this true? Can you go do a practice fight against Aegon or Odin and confirm this? I’m geninuinly curious if the VFX thing is not impacting every player.
Is this true? Can you go do a practice fight against Aegon or Odin and confirm this? I’m geninuinly curious if the VFX thing is not impacting every player.
I am uploading a video now. As far as what you'll see, On defense, Aegons SP1 goes into the air. On offense, no issues. Odin on defense, it looks like he's missing the "wave" from his SP1, I didn't include that in the video because I forgot to compare to offense.
So it seems I have some of the VFX glitches but when I originally wrote it, I only looked at Aegon on offense and not defense because I thought it would have been effecting both. As far as some of the other VFX issues mentioned, like missing animations or stripped down graphics, I don't have that. I'll post the video once it's done uploading.
@Demonzfyre As I see, everywhere you just claim that the game is fine and the players see poorly and the fault is only on their side. I personally sent an error several times and so far nothing has happened. I just don't like it when I see how Kabam does nothing with the game.
@Demonzfyre As I see, everywhere you just claim that the game is fine and the players see poorly and the fault is only on their side. I personally sent an error several times and so far nothing has happened. I just don't like it when I see how Kabam does nothing with the game.
You obviously need reading lessons. My comment above yours literally proves what you just said false.
Do you think you're the only one who is sending support tickets? If you're reporting a bug, you're not likely to get much back from support.
But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night. I'm bad, Kabam is bad, the game is bad.
I didn’t bother with a ticket because they don’t need the 455th ticket saying iPhone XR isn’t working right. The VFX bugs are a simple fix. But the other bugs have just been piling up.
And those issues aren’t device specific anyway.
I use an XR and have tried a 14 pro max. Bugs. Brian Grant uses iPhone 8 pro. Bugs. Lefty uses XR. Bugs. Simula67 uses iPhone 14. Bugs
They have every piece of information they could ever need, being recorded EVERY SINGLE DAY on YouTube. We don’t need to do more. They do.
Guys make sure you’re recording every fight to catch the issue the game has and post or Kabam can’t fix the issues 🤣
Not every issue but capture what you're experiencing once, that's all. With the frequency it's happening, it shouldn't be hard for some of you.
Kabam didn't hire us for their bug tracking team
I see. So the bugs section of the forums is a figment of our imaginations? No game that's ever existed allows people to report bugs THEY'RE experiencing? Weird. Could have sworn there was a Bugs section here.
Everyone is going to have a different experience. My personal experience right now is that I'm seeing some weird input issues and what seems to me is some hotbox issues. I've seen faster recoveries and what seems to me is faster than normal dash in from defenders.
I'm not having lag issues. I'm not having VFX issues. My game doesn't suddenly go into portrait mode. I don't have any disconnect issues.
So if my experience is different than your experience, how should a developer go about fixing bugs? You aren't paid to report bugs but it's been common practice since basically games became widely available to the masses and the internet being born for players to report bugs. Nintendo used to have a phone to call and report issues and also get game hints. The developers don't have a test environment that can replicate every device this game is played on. This is why they ask that you provide your device details and as much visual evidence as possible, when possible.
If you believe you should be getting paid for reporting bugs and you're upset your not, don't report them but also, don't come here complaining about something not working or then not fixing something.
Oh well tell how this has happened at 64 Mbps
It is a proof right?
This image was clicked just now while playing BGs
I'm not saying there is a game with no bugs But I don't remember the last time there was a game this buggy for this long without the game team or the moderators addressing the issues or updating their community about the developments made by the game team Parry and Dex still fail They used to fail 1.5 years ago too... The game team claims to have worked a lot on these bugs but on the live servers we don't see or barely see any change in the state of the game
Everyone cares about the results not the process, even in real life it's the same People expect the game team to actually solve some of their in-game issues as no one can solve all But to the contrary all we get is a more buggy game every patch
But my main issue with Kabam's lack of transparency is the fact that I'm not even sure passive AI is an issue to them. I'm willing to put in some work to prove bugs that I know aren't intended, as I have done before, but even after stalking the forums for moderator comments about AI behavior I still have no idea if dexing mediums for 45 seconds until Hyperion hits 3 bars of power is intended. If it is, I'd be okay with just accepting it as part of the game and developing my power control roster just that much more, but we really have no way of knowing. I know there are a lot of unintentional AI issues, but without specifics on which common AI problems aren't intended, I feel like I'd be wasting my time recording fights against passive AI.
There are really only two things we can be sure of in this game:
1. Issues do exist.
2. Just complaining is the absolute worst way to fix them.
So what I would suggest to Jax, Miike, or any slightly less popular but still cool moderator who might be reading this: A somewhat detailed FAQ on AI/Input issues would be extremely helpful.
Just off the top of my head, a few things I would personally like answered are:
Are enemy special intercepts intended? Are enemy light attack intercepts intended? What category of issue (AI or Input) would these two fall under?
Is passive AI intended?
How do the devs plan on tackling AI/Input issues? Is this a problem that could be solved by reworking the AI mechanics to make them more reliable, or would just bug fixing be their preferred way of addressing it?
Overall, the game is mostly fine for me. The special attacks visual bug has been annoying, but obviously it's only temporary. The possibly permanent issues are the ones that concern me. As much as I'd like to advocate for Kabam and as much as I'm against the anger towards the 9-5 employees rather than the executives who actually make the money from this game, the lack of communication from moderators can be very draining. It feels like we have to rely on some random forum post asking the right question to get any real answers, which just isn't a reliable system.
BG also experienced them during his streams
Slayer put up a video about wrong trajectory of projectile specials
Dr. Zola
Everyone is going to have a different experience. My personal experience right now is that I'm seeing some weird input issues and what seems to me is some hotbox issues. I've seen faster recoveries and what seems to me is faster than normal dash in from defenders.
I'm not having lag issues. I'm not having VFX issues. My game doesn't suddenly go into portrait mode. I don't have any disconnect issues.
So if my experience is different than your experience, how should a developer go about fixing bugs? You aren't paid to report bugs but it's been common practice since basically games became widely available to the masses and the internet being born for players to report bugs. Nintendo used to have a phone to call and report issues and also get game hints. The developers don't have a test environment that can replicate every device this game is played on. This is why they ask that you provide your device details and as much visual evidence as possible, when possible.
If you believe you should be getting paid for reporting bugs and you're upset your not, don't report them but also, don't come here complaining about something not working or then not fixing something.
P.S KT1 is live check it out
If what you're trying to catch is crystal opening issues like lag, record your openings until you get it.
Same steps for all of it. Delete recordings you don't need right away if you don't have a ton of storage on your phone. Upload to youtube, and the creator tools has ways to edit down the videos if needed. It's really not difficult.
I have been playing this game since release and when it’s working well I’ll say that but it’s been a nightmare in multiple aspects for a long time now.
How is that multiple people go back and forth with you in multiple threads so maybe it’s you who has narrow field of vision.
Example: 50 people say the color is blue and 1 person says it’s orange and argues with the 50 people saying they are wrong.
These are the minimum specs required to run MCOC. Do you know how many devices this includes? On the conservative side- 500+. Different graphics chips, different processors, various ram amounts etc.. not to mention that Apple is notorious in slowing it's older phones down to get people to upgrade.
So I ask again, if you were a lead developer for Kabam and in charge of Q.A, what's your plan to get the game to run flawlessly on every single device like you're expecting. How can you do it with a team of 15 or so? And how can you manage to still create new content that stays compatible with all these different devices?
Do you go to the doctor and give them zero information about what's wrong and tell them they're the doctors they should know?
Do you take your car to the mechanic and tell them to figure it out because you're not paid to tell them what's wrong with your car?
I'll be waiting for your strategic plan. Tag me when you have it.
If you’re seeing a large amount of threads all about these same issues you wouldn’t think they would do some real testing on these issues because if they did no way would they not see this?
Also if they want video at least meet the community halfway and provide a real way to upload video on these forums to make it easier on the users.
We shouldn’t have to help them do their job period.
Thanks for ignoring everything I said.
So it seems I have some of the VFX glitches but when I originally wrote it, I only looked at Aegon on offense and not defense because I thought it would have been effecting both. As far as some of the other VFX issues mentioned, like missing animations or stripped down graphics, I don't have that. I'll post the video once it's done uploading.
Do you think you're the only one who is sending support tickets? If you're reporting a bug, you're not likely to get much back from support.
But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night. I'm bad, Kabam is bad, the game is bad.
And those issues aren’t device specific anyway.
I use an XR and have tried a 14 pro max. Bugs.
Brian Grant uses iPhone 8 pro. Bugs.
Lefty uses XR. Bugs.
Simula67 uses iPhone 14. Bugs
They have every piece of information they could ever need, being recorded EVERY SINGLE DAY on YouTube. We don’t need to do more. They do.
It is a proof right?
This image was clicked just now while playing BGs
I'm not saying there is a game with no bugs
But I don't remember the last time there was a game this buggy for this long without the game team or the moderators addressing the issues or updating their community about the developments made by the game team
Parry and Dex still fail
They used to fail 1.5 years ago too...
The game team claims to have worked a lot on these bugs but on the live servers we don't see or barely see any change in the state of the game
Everyone cares about the results not the process, even in real life it's the same
People expect the game team to actually solve some of their in-game issues as no one can solve all
But to the contrary all we get is a more buggy game every patch