Battle Grounds Points when you're kicked from an alliance

MarsTheMartianMarsTheMartian Member Posts: 10
I have had this happen more often than it should. you're grinding BGs for the alliance and then suddenly you're kicked. It's the alliance leaders' right to do what they want, however, there is a massive issue KABAM hasn't fixed since day 1 of this game and that is 'rewards distribution'.

When you as a player have contributed to the alliance's cause either with potions, boosts, battle chips, time put into AQ, AW, and BGs and then you're removed from the alliance you benefit 0 and the alliance benefits 100%. There is no other way to put this, when you're kicked from the alliance don't lose your AW, AQ, or BGs contributions, they keep it all and ride off of your hard work and hours put in, I don't believe this makes any logical sense and it needs to be addressed ASAP because it's not rocket science to fix an issue like this, I'll explain.

For AW and AQ, if you've been kicked but still met the minimum war requirements for rewards or you've participated in more than half the days of AQ you should receive the rewards that the alliance gets at the end of the war season/ AQ cycle. Because often people are kicked or removed without enough time left to find an alliance and be eligible for their AW season rewards which again brings us back to the 'alliances get 100% and the player gets screwed'.

As for BGs, it's not difficult to tie contributions to a player's account, I would suggest that points are given back to the player removed from that alliance and can be transferred to their next Alliance if they fall within the time guideline of being eligible for their new alliances BG alliance rewards, otherwise, if they've been kicked too late for that to be a possibility, their points contribution stays with the previous alliance and they receive the rewards the previous alliance gets after BGs season is over. I feel it's more than fair to say that if the player is kicked then the alliances need to lose the player's BGs points contributions as well if the player has been kicked late on the BGs season.

I do not understand why this was never a standard procedure from the beginning of the game's inception. It's not difficult or impossible to implement a change like this, they have a database that stores information on player accounts such as spending, which is why they're able to see if you've been getting units from 3rd parties. SO they know what alliance you've been in and if you've fallen into the criteria they've set for receiving rewards, these are all pre-written scripts that execute when the correct sequences are followed. Have you ever wondered how the store updates with new offers? They don't create that offer on the day, they've made it well in advance and it sits until the criteria they've set (which in this case would be a time/date criteria, so when it's the 4th of July the program runs and executes the upload to change the offers) is executed between the database and app. They don't NEED you to be in an alliance to receive these rewards, the rewards could be sent out the moment AW/BGs seasons are finished.

I'd like to know why the game doesn't do this and why it's never been looked into? @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra


  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 1,709 ★★★★
    This is a tough situation for Kabam. In a situation like this they would have to manually look into each case and there would be a lot of case to look into since every season we get this post pop up (I jsut got kicked before season rewards). They don't have the man power to look at every single case and determine if it's the summoner deserves the rewards.

    I don't understand your logic of saying if you get kicked too late the alliance would keep your score. I would argue it's it's even worse when you get kicked so close to getting the rewards. Kabam can't enforce non kicking in Alliance since there are lots of parameters where someone is kicked for a good reason and some situation where it's for not fault of the summoner. There's always two side of every story.

    I only wish Aliance leaders and officers think before kicking someone, but again there are so many situaiton where it's necessary to kick someone asap. In my alliance we try not to kick anyone when the rewards are not awarded but we have done it a few times since the summoner was being rude to the rest of the alliance or just purely not doing anything at all.
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 769 ★★★
    So the leader and officers need to think but not the rest? Maybe you weren't helping with AQ. Maybe you kept bringing bad champs to war. Maybe they had rules you weren't paying attention to. When we explain why someone was kicked and they reply how they didn't know, weren't paying attention and so forth, despite being told multiple ways, it's back on leadership to look at event end times so the person doesn't get screwed?

    Maybe their actions contributed to losing a war, not finishing AQ or making others log on more to finish or so on and so on.

    Thinking and paying attention is a two way street. And can't speak for all leadership, but we only get rid of people for a reason and after mentioning what the issue is. After that, I couldn't care less where we are in an event and what you've done.

    I also don't buy the "I was doing it for the alliance bit". Lines like that are easy to say after the fact and in a forum where you're looking for sympathy. And bg is fairly rewarding for your solo event and rewards in general. Not like it's something you're only doing for the alliance and benefit of alliance rewards.
  • MarsTheMartianMarsTheMartian Member Posts: 10
    @Ayden_noah1 What I meant by being kicked too late and the points stay, is that if you've been kicked too late to be eligible for your new alliances rewards or you're just not able to find a new alliance in time you have the BG points stay with the alliance that kicked you and you get their end of season alliance rewards for BG.

    AW is more tricky, it's a similar subject however more complicated than BGs because if you lose it BGs it doesn't really affect the alliance the same way as dying in AW. So the BG points system should be easier to fix than the AW one.
  • MarsTheMartianMarsTheMartian Member Posts: 10
    @crogs No need to get defensive and cry. You're painting a picture of "Alliance leadership can never be bad" and "It's always the general alliance members fault". It's not how it works. I've been leadership in alliances and we all know how the officer's chats are, sometimes an officer just doesn't like someone.

    Bearing in mind that a lot of the top tier alliances expect you to treat the game like a second job, it's a game at the end of the day and a lot of people do sacrifice their work and personal time to move and put in the effort for AW, AQ and BGs, we're not talking about a few minutes per day here, it's a process because you have to check in before you move, discuss who you're bringing in then get the okay before joining. And life is also life, sometimes work stuff comes up, sometimes personal things come up and people travel for work etc... so you're not looking at this issue from 2 points of view, you're just looking out for leadership.

    A lot of guys get kicked for those issues that aren't avoidable, that isn't fair on the player so they should at least receive the AW rewards at the end of the season if they've met the minimum requirements, it hardly affects the alliance in question, they get the rewards either way, but it's often unfair to the player whose put in the time and the resources.

    I'm also not saying that every player is good and they all get kicked unfairly, sometimes it's warranted. However, the scales are heavily in favour of alliance leadership, that is all I was saying if you were able to read correctly.
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 769 ★★★
    @MarsTheMartian not crying. And I've been a reluctant leader for far too long. We're all adults, and oddly or funny enough its the adults that are the problem more so than the kids. Our officers don't kick people because they don't like them.

    As far as getting rewards after the fact, and it's no loss to us...

    If you're doing things (or not doing things) that make others work harder and have to log in more than they should, you don't deserve anything alliance related if you get booted. None of us could give a rat's ass about liking or not liking someone. If they help and make our lives easier, the rest doesn't matter unless you're racist, make stupid ignorant remarks and so on. Those will get you kicked, and you don't deserve a thing as well. So basically if you fail in one aspect of things alliance related, you forfeit any alliance rewards you worked for. So if you're putting your efforts into war at the expense of the alliance things we actually expect from you, then why would you deserve the war rewards? That's kinda the penalty for failing at the other things. It's all cumulative.

    If you're in an alliance with petty people that will boot because they don't like you, find a different alliance. I could be wrong or naive, but I'd like to think that type are the exception and not the rule. It's bad enough this is a topic for a game. It's worse that people would be petty enough to boot someone strictly because they didn't like you without having valid reasons that you could just be oblivious too.
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,539 ★★★★

    I'd like to know why the game doesn't do this and why it's never been looked into? @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra

    1) there's exactly one of those folks still working in this space. You're insulting Jax and i won't have it.

    2) I've led an alliance since 8/17. I don't kick high earners since that would mean we all earn less. If i think a replacement would generate higher earnings for all you're darn right I'm looking into it.

    3) start your own alliance and run it for 6 years. Try and recruit. Watch top earners come and go, and watch slugs take up space and cry about their share. If you perform, no one's kicking you.
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