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Sabertooth not #Metal

Why this guy isn’t tagged #Metal isn’t his bones adamantium?


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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,045 ★★★★★
    Why would he be metal? Do you just assume because he's wolverines nemesis he's metal too? He's never had adamantium in his body. Lady deathstrike does. Cyber does. Omega red has carbonadium. But sabretooth claws are all natural.
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    Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Posts: 781 ★★★★
    Umm…might want to do some research. Many sources like this: https://www.cbr.com/wolverine-sabretooth-adamantium/

    He has had an adamantium skeleton and claws at various points and depending on who is writing, still does in the current continuity.

    Fair point to say the in game version doesn’t have adamantium but it’s not true that he never has.
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    MaxtheSilentMaxtheSilent Posts: 770 ★★★
    Maratox said:

    In this form he has zero adamantium in his body. I can say with pretty good certainty that there’s no version of him ever with adamantium in his body. Don’t know where you’re getting that idea from

    Twice in the comic books he got adamantium bonded to his skeleton but I don’t think the current iteration does. I would agree that 90% of his history he has not had a metal skeleton and if I was designing him for this game I wouldn’t tag him #metal. But I get why OP might think he should be if he read any of those comics.
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    Watcher6Watcher6 Posts: 43
    Buttehrs said:

    Why would he be metal? Do you just assume because he's wolverines nemesis he's metal too? He's never had adamantium in his body. Lady deathstrike does. Cyber does. Omega red has carbonadium. But sabretooth claws are all natural.

    Uh yes he does have adamantium in certain comics not just because he’s wolverines nemesis.
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    Watcher6Watcher6 Posts: 43
    Maratox said:

    In this form he has zero adamantium in his body. I can say with pretty good certainty that there’s no version of him ever with adamantium in his body. Don’t know where you’re getting that idea from

    Yes he has had adamantium in certain comics
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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,045 ★★★★★
    Watcher6 said:

    Buttehrs said:

    Why would he be metal? Do you just assume because he's wolverines nemesis he's metal too? He's never had adamantium in his body. Lady deathstrike does. Cyber does. Omega red has carbonadium. But sabretooth claws are all natural.

    Uh yes he does have adamantium in certain comics not just because he’s wolverines nemesis.
    Ok then by that logic, kabam chose to use the version that doesn't have adamantium. It's really that simple. Besides, after looking through marvels wiki, it only happened twice. First time was a gift from apocalypse to fight wolverine. He lost, apocalypse took it back. Lasted maybe an issue. 2md time was from weapon x program. Used it to fight wolverine. Lost again when wolverine cut his head off with muramasa. Lasted a few issues. He's still presumed dead. So why would kabam stick a metal tag when it's exceedingly rare and only In a few issues?
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    Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Posts: 2,976 ★★★★★
    He had an adamantium skeleton in Ultimate X-Men and had not three but FOUR claws. For which Wolverine mocked him for making out it was an upgrade.
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