Nice now you broke dexterity

Awesome so now while dodging back when you opponent is dashing forward not only are u unable to dash back far enough to avoid the hit u get hit instead of evade too. Seriously these bugs are getting out of hand. I'm a game designer and I would never put my name on anything that was this buggy. Honestly kabam your design team should be ashamed. It is a simple number change in the code for distance on the move. Get you act together or hire some programmers who care.
There have been a lot of Android only related issues as of late. It's like kabam is lut shaming androids. Might have to break an iPad. I love my Android. Haven't lost a number in 10 years this has to be the most civil post on these forums ever I cheers guys
WOW. Of course it does.
I'm gonna pass this on to the team, but this has always been a possibility. If a dash back is even mistimed by a millisecond, it's possible for the opponent to hit you. This isn't a bug, or even only something the AI can do, because a player can do it as well.
I swear that used to happen a lot of times with me!!
(That monthly unit card takes the sting outta grinding, but still dont like all the units required to complete it recently.)
You may have hit the nail on the head. I will continue to test it. Thanks for your input
which animations did you turn off i have 3 options that say animations.