Is this right (SQ issue)

MaxtheSilentMaxtheSilent Member Posts: 850 ★★★★
I just finished my first SQ entry (level 4) and there were no rewards? Is that right? I thought I got spider bots? Do I need to put in a ticket?


  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 1,190 ★★★★
    You earn them per each fight. If you look in your resource summary(next to your energy on top of screen), they should be there
  • MaxtheSilentMaxtheSilent Member Posts: 850 ★★★★

    You earn them per each fight. If you look in your resource summary(next to your energy on top of screen), they should be there

    Thanks, so used to seeing them as the reward . Guess I should’ve read more closely
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