6.7 Million Alliance seeking 3

(X-REY) X-Reyted is seeking 3 active and communicative players to join our 6.7 million alliance. Alliance Quest is compulsory, with us pushing 5x5.
Alliance War is run occasionally, with us hoping to do more once we have found a reliable group of people.
Compulsory weekly donations are currently 100k Gold, 10k Battle Chips and 5k Loyalty, but will be going up to 135k Gold, 30k Battle Chips and 5k Loyalty to cater for our new AQ output.
If possible we would like to take on a group of 3 that already know each other, but will be willing to take on individuals if they fit our requirements.
Discord is essential and will need to be checked frequently in order to collaborate with alliance members.
If you are interested, contact me or any of our officers in game.
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