AI/Input Issues continuing

MaaiiikMaaiiik Member Posts: 1
At some point, what does the MCOC team have to do to fix these issues. The AI is way overturned, in almost all content. Since when could AI back intercept you mid combo, and then proceed to break your block multiple times. As well as parry not working either on multiple occasions. At some point this has got to be fixed.


  • Maaiiik said:

    what does the MCOC team have to do to fix these issues.

    They've said before that just reporting these as individual bugs and giving as much info as possible is the best way to help them fix it. If you experience these again, the best thing you can do to help is just come straight here and say what happened, what mode you were in, what champions and nodes were involved, all that stuff. Video helps the most, but that's way harder to get.
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