Need an Alliance for 3

So the current alliance I am in, I’m an officer and I’ve been planning wars and such for a while but I’ve been burnt out. In fact I’ve been burnt out in most areas of the game.
With battlegrounds being the new focus, I would like to join an alliance focused on that and hopefully reinvigorate myself. Along with me are two companions. We are all officers previously and have become three musketeers and I’d like to stay with them.
With battlegrounds being the new focus, I would like to join an alliance focused on that and hopefully reinvigorate myself. Along with me are two companions. We are all officers previously and have become three musketeers and I’d like to stay with them.
We are a G2 ranked Alli . And run 2bgs free to join War.
We run a AQ series with NO mods. 4,400/4,500 Glory each series.
If you lads are interested?
Feel like it's what your looking for?
Line I.D. - Rebel Thumbs
IGN - Rebel Thumbs
My in-game name is DoomGB (I'm one of the 3 Musketeers)