Battlegrounds unfair Matches

I'm not sure if this is a bug or just a part of the programming but bg matchmaking seems very un level. I seen before that the Kabam crew where considering making it so people can't back out of a match. I know bgs is kinda of a free for all but of course someone is going to want to back out of a match when your opponent has 7 rank 4 6* s and you only have 1. Why waste time on a fight you know you will for sure lose. Earlier they paired me with someone platinum 1 and im diamond 3. I don't blame them for backing out. The matches just need to be more balanced, especially if there is any chance kabam is going to make it so you can't back out of matches. Sometimes it is fair fights that come down to skill an selected champs. Other times there is no chance. Having it that way in the gladiator circuit but in Victory track it should at least give you a fighting chance.