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3rd Rank 4 for Paragon

So, just waiting on AW rewards so I can finally become Paragon and get my 3rd R4. But who should it be? My other 2 are Herc and Apoc, I was thinking Kingpin as I really enjoy him but im open to suggestions.


  • Options
    KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Posts: 915 ★★★
    Doom or Nick
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    doctorbdoctorb Posts: 1,760 ★★★
    Personally, I go for Cable
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    MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Posts: 2,139 ★★★★

    But arguments can easily be made for Nimrod, cable (yes cable), doom, AA, hype, tigra if you're good with her. And others; you r3'd most of those because you liked them, yes?

    R4 apoc, cable, kitty, omega red and namor here, so the Cable comment is from experience in case you're questioning it... Cable sees an immense amount of use outside of battlegrounds.

    If battlegrounds are your thing though, kingpin all day long, with shout outs to AA, doom, torch and Nimrod.

    But you really can't go wrong. I'd R4 groot to get paragon, as it makes the next R4 so much faster.
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    HendrossHendross Posts: 953 ★★★
    There's not really a wrong choice here; King Pin, Doom, Nick, Nimrod. Personally I'd go with Doom
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    spider_man_guy_123spider_man_guy_123 Posts: 162 ★★
    Tigra if you’re good with her
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    OmedennOmedenn Posts: 874 ★★★
    Valkyrie would have my choice, my first and only r5, really enjoy her - but impossible to make a wrong decision here. Nice roster
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    zuffyzuffy Posts: 2,197 ★★★★★
    Kingpin or doom.
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    cfpreludecfprelude Posts: 114
    Omedenn said:

    but impossible to make a wrong decision here. Nice roster

    Actually it's impossible for them to make a Wong decision here.

    Bah dum pah

    Cause they don't have Wong.

    Get it?

    I'll show myself out.
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    cfpreludecfprelude Posts: 114
    Also Cable slaps

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    LordParkerLordParker Posts: 13
    Thanks all, I went with Kingpin in the end. Hes one of my fave champs and hes one of the best all round I couldve gone with, I love Cable for questing but hes good enough at R3 for that.
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    GogiGogi Posts: 471 ★★★
    You should always go with who you like playing, so Kingpin should be an obvious choice. Spiderham, Hyperion, Molegod and Valk are other good options.
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    Rohit_316Rohit_316 Posts: 3,391 ★★★★★
    doctorb said:

    Personally, I go for Cable

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