As you may know I made my own MARVEL character named Omega Centauri and I posted his look and abilities if he was ever released in the game. But, for the past weeks I have been finding ways to make him even better than he is right now. I would love to confirm that Omega Centauri will have a new look and powerset. His new look is posted down below and is created using AI Art. His powerset is the same, so he can make weapons out of pure energy and matter, he can quantum cosmic teleport to different timelines, time periods, and multiverses, he can fly, time travel, and interdimensional travel. For his new powerset, all of the powers listed are the same, but he can now run faster than the speed of light, making him the fastest speedster to exist, he can manipulate and reduce the electromagnetic spectrum and all kinds of atoms and molecules, and he can blast electromagnetic waves and quantum waves out of his bare hands. So with this updated powerset, he is officially the ultimate god of astronomical power. Please comment down your opinions about his new model and powerset in the comment section.